State of the Banu Merchantman


Vice Admiral
Jun 19, 2020
RSI Handle
Hello, I was one of the many people who went ahead and purchased this awesome ship. I've been hearing some talk about the status the ship is in and how they recently took it back to concept to "fix" some things.
There has been conversation that the ship will undergo a shrinking similar to how the Carrack did before its final size was decided upon. Another reason many are claiming the ship will shrink is so that CiG can make way for a larger, possibly capital class, ship that will serve a similar purpose to the Kraken Privateer just with an alien spin on it. Lemme know what you guys think will end up happening with this ship.


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
CIG has so far been fairly tight-lipped on where things are and where they're going in regards to the BMM.

Many people have read more into statements made by CIG about the BMM or jumped to conclusions based on things said about other ships.

So at this time we are still waiting and hoping it'll be a fun ship.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I doubt CIG will much change the size nor intention of this ship. They really want player merchants to have a huge impact on economy. I think CIG is aware many players want to use the BMM as an internal transport similar to the Hull C, and probably they will be able to do this, but I also think it is going to be much less efficient save that it can land planetside with its cargo aboard. The Hull C is going to be the cheaper hauler to buy and run, but with the inconvenience that it's limited to space stations or hiring minihaulers to tote cargo to and from orbit. (Though I think many planetside installations will offer this sevice on the cheap.)

So in general my guess is the BMM will keep its size and intentions intact and continue to be an interesting alternative to the Hull C, but with merchant-ilke options that really ought to create new gameplay, especially including thieves guild type roleplay. Smugglers are going to love this ship. Keep in mind the Banu are kinda scummy folk, doing slavery and all.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Personally, I'm hoping that those that want the BMM to shrink sell theirs off right before the ship jumps in size from 160m - 225m+ in length since it always stated to be longer than the 890J. I think that CIG has stated at points that the BMM & Privatgeer will be relatively equal with each having advantages that the other lacks. According to the Banu lore, the BMM is their all purpose capital ship. So I suspect that the BMM will be approx 225m & the Privateer / Kracken to be about 275m. While the Kraken will have the landing pads, the BMM will most likely have far more cargo storage & definitely have a far more refined in an alien elegance sort of feel. Which of course would then cause CIG to make the cost of the BMM to skyrocket to around $1200 when it goes live in the Verse. These are my thoughts & hopes. Think what you will.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I hope they don't mess with it too much. Even if they don't I think the lessons learned from 5 years of designing big ships will mean it either increases in size, or if it stays the same it will not have a bazillion SCU of cargo space, probably nearer 1500-2000. Which is still a lot!

I wanted one as I wanted to put NPC shop keepers in mine and earn passive income whilst I am logged off! It reminded me of when I used to play ultima online and log on to find I had sold a load of bows whilst I was asleep! :D


Vice Admiral
Jun 19, 2020
RSI Handle
Personally, I'm hoping that those that want the BMM to shrink sell theirs off right before the ship jumps in size from 160m - 225m+ in length since it always stated to be longer than the 890J. I think that CIG has stated at points that the BMM & Privatgeer will be relatively equal with each having advantages that the other lacks. According to the Banu lore, the BMM is their all purpose capital ship. So I suspect that the BMM will be approx 225m & the Privateer / Kracken to be about 275m. While the Kraken will have the landing pads, the BMM will most likely have far more cargo storage & definitely have a far more refined in an alien elegance sort of feel. Which of course would then cause CIG to make the cost of the BMM to skyrocket to around $1200 when it goes live in the Verse. These are my thoughts & hopes. Think what you will.
While I think me and everyone else who owns a BMM would love the idea of this, its a bit far fetched in my opinion. It's in the ballpark of "too good to be true" and I think CiG is more focused on securing funding for their project it would be more prudent to downsize the BMM so people have more incentive to spend money on say a Kraken Privateer. Furthermore, at its current size I think it already is a competitor with the Kraken and considering the SCU of that ship along with the layout they were showing for shops/private market it only has roughly 800 SCU of storage. I doubt BMM with its internal shops will have more than 1000, probably significantly less. my estimation would be like 500-800 SCU at most.

I have heard no such rumours out of CIG....
However, they are redoing the interior to match the 'Banu style' of the Defender.
Never said the rumors were out of CiG only that they said they were fixing some stuff. The rumors are from speculative youtubers, game-backers, Evocati, etc. (AKA not credible sources)
Honestly I freaking love the design of the Banu Defender but uh.... if they turn my BMM into a giant flying crab i'm gonna throw hands.


Vice Admiral
Jun 19, 2020
RSI Handle
The exterior should not change, just some interior 'decorating' hehehe Same textures etc as the Defender so they match.
My hope is that you are 100% correct. I am also looking at the trend they followed with the Carrack where it was re-concepted a couple times, it was made larger with a price increase, then it was made smaller with a price increase, and then the obvious price increase upon launch with the ship not being as big as people originally thought it was going to be. My worry is that CiG is still not 100% sure where the BMM is supposed to fit so it may follow a similar trend.


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
always stated to be longer than the 890J
I knew it was huge, but not that huge. I'm kinda hoping it is, would be nice to flex on those bastards!

According to the Banu lore, the BMM is their all purpose capital ship.
It's supposed to be the pinnacle of trading ships for a trader race. So it should be the ultimate luxury/functionality.

Which of course would then cause CIG to make the cost of the BMM to skyrocket to around $1200
Would be hilarious since I have 2 in buyback for $250 lol


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I knew it was huge, but not that huge. I'm kinda hoping it is, would be nice to flex on those bastards!

It's supposed to be the pinnacle of trading ships for a trader race. So it should be the ultimate luxury/functionality.

Would be hilarious since I have 2 in buyback for $250 lol
Before the 890J got it's size boost, it was 125m in length while the BMM was 160m in length & width.

The Privateer is just a modified Kraken & wasn't designed as a trading ship from the beginning like the BMM was, so most of the Privateer's size revolves around the Kraken while the BMM revolves around its internal bizarre functionality. While overall they should be tied as far as overall functionality, the features of the BMM as well as its cargo capacity should level out the benefit of the Privateer's landing pads with ease.


Vice Admiral
Jun 19, 2020
RSI Handle
I'm glad to see that everyone has very high hopes about the Banu Merchantman. The description that CiG designed for it certainly sets expectations pretty high, however I think we should all manage our expectations. The price point I think is the biggest indicator for how much "value" the ship is meant to provide with features/etc. The last time it was on sale it was $350, whereas the closest competitor the Kraken privateer is close to $2000+


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm glad to see that everyone has very high hopes about the Banu Merchantman. The description that CiG designed for it certainly sets expectations pretty high, however I think we should all manage our expectations. The price point I think is the biggest indicator for how much "value" the ship is meant to provide with features/etc. The last time it was on sale it was $350, whereas the closest competitor the Kraken privateer is close to $2000+
Should never trust the rumor mil people are just trying to push their ideals off on others so that CIG will follow suit and give them "What they want". No BMM owner would be happy if they decreased the size or changed how it overall looks. I'm sure it will receive some minor love like the carrack did but nothing life changing.


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
I wanted one as I wanted to put NPC shop keepers in mine and earn passive income whilst I am logged off! It reminded me of when I used to play ultima online and log on to find I had sold a load of bows whilst I was asleep! :D
Unfortunately that wont be possible.

They stated this for the Kraken Privateer Q&A, and later said it will also apply to the BMM :
When owners log off, will the Kraken remain online? How will other people take advantage of purchasing, selling, renting, etc. when owners aren’t online?
The ship will follow the same rules as others for remaining online: if players are on or nearby, it won’t be removed from play until various conditions are satisfied.
So this means if no player (you or anyone else) is not onboard (or nearby?) the ship, it will log-off if owner is not online.

source :

Being inactive and not seated in a ship flags you as inactive for the game and you get timed out after a while. But, being seated (pilot/copilot,turret) prevents you from being logged-off by the game because of inactivity. This can be a solution to leave a trader ship like the BMM or Privateer in game (either thanks to the owner or anyone else sitting somewhere in the ship).
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