IAE 2952 mystery ship?


Grand Admiral
Aug 31, 2019
RSI Handle
They always drop a new ship the first day and the event starts off with DRAKE. I'd assume yes.

There are multiple rumors running around about a new ship. Could be that DRAKE cutter or that manufacturing ship. Looks like the medical Pisces is a thing too. They usually offer some sort of LTI token so I also wonder if the Pisces will have LTI as it is a new variant....

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Not a mystery ship it....
Sure Look like THE CORSAIR
with wings folded up to land and wings are just outside frame..

Remember this are just concept drawings.. it might changed a bit from this.. to release..!

CHEERS! 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻
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Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
They always drop a new ship the first day and the event starts off with DRAKE. I'd assume yes.

There are multiple rumors running around about a new ship. Could be that DRAKE cutter or that manufacturing ship. Looks like the medical Pisces is a thing too. They usually offer some sort of LTI token so I also wonder if the Pisces will have LTI as it is a new variant....
Its not a medical Pisces, just the BIS color.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Its not a medical Pisces, just the BIS color.
I'm not sure about that - The BIS paints are normally the same for all 4 BIS ships:

The Pisces shown is the video is mainly red with some lighter panels (white?), while the Carrack shown just after it (both conveniently shown just after the words "Surprises and Announcements" are heard) is mainly a dark colour with what appears to be red highlights. If it was the BIS Pisces, you'd expect the colours to match those of the Carrack, not the colours of an Apollo Triage.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
They always drop a new ship the first day and the event starts off with DRAKE. I'd assume yes.

There are multiple rumors running around about a new ship. Could be that DRAKE cutter or that manufacturing ship. Looks like the medical Pisces is a thing too. They usually offer some sort of LTI token so I also wonder if the Pisces will have LTI as it is a new variant....
Well, They've announced that the Corsair will be in patch 3.17.4 which will be a short patch as they "hope" for 3.18 a month later, so unless they do something unusual and have 2 unrelated ships from the same manufacturer release together in a single patch (with another ship from the same manufacturer the following patch\shortly after - Vulture in 3.18), I'd expect that the Drake ship is the Corsair.

If they follow last year's schedules with a day between new ships releases and\or announcements of upcoming (large\capitol class) ships, and the rumours going around are true, we could possibly expect:

Day 1 - New ship - Probably the Corsair, which was confirmed as coming in the patch.
Day 3 - New ship - Aegis, so likely yet another fighter of some variety (or a new bomber based on last year's ship voting options).
Day 5 - New ship - Anvil, so probably the Medical Pisces based on rumour and the preview video for the event.
Day 7 - New Ship\Vehicle - Crusader or Tumbril. I'd guess a ground vehicle of some type from Tumbril (A different Tank would be nice, for some variety in ground battles), as we've just had the Spirit concept release from Crusader.
Day 9 - "Announcement" - Something from RSI: Possibly related to either the winning vote for the manufacturer of the new mining ship (With only a small number of options available for people to vote for, it seems likely there was concept art prepared for each of the options, so we may see what we were blindly voting on), or less likely, to the MCV - I expect that the MCV will be waiting to release once Cargo Refactor comes out as well, given the "output" would need to be transported from the manufacturer to somewhere for transport\sale.

There probably should (based on last year's event) be a WB CCU for one ship\vehicle for each of the days, as well as WB CCU's for the final 4 BIS ships and likely any new releases during the event. Unfortunately, a WB CCU for the Pisces would be a $5 discount ($40 Pisces, requiring a $35 or lower priced ship to apply it to), so you wouldn't be able to apply one to an LTI STV - Last year's referral MPUV Cargo would be fair game, however...

I don't expect the Pisces medical variant to be priced to allow a minimum cost ($5) WB CCU from the base Pisces either, so I'd expect it would likely be an STV LTI friendly $45 WB ($50 or $55 credit price)... $50 WB would allow direct ($5) chain to $45 Pisces, and $55 WB (or higher) would put the ship in the $60-$65+ range which seems a little high to me for what I imagine it will be: There is a small chance it may end up with a $40 WB price ($45/$50 credit price) depending on how the "medical" function works and what you sacrifice (cargo, etc.) to fit it in.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
No, body is too wide and fins at the back.
Camera angles can be deceptive...

Image from https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/yfyoeg View: https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/comments/yfyoeg/upscaled_image_of_the_drake_corsair_from_the_iae/

Most of what we know about the Corsair is based on the concept art and very specific areas (mainly interior) which have been shown (subscriber vault or otherwise) during development and there is nothing to say that the rear wings weren't added recently "rule of cool" for appearance... If it is the Corsair, then the engines and folding wings mount points have been moved forward compared to the concept art, so having the little wings at the rear would make sense to fill the gap left there.

It's also possible that they aren't even wings, but are instead a portion of the landing gear to support the weight at the rear, particularly as the ramp there would need something to help transfer the pressure on that portion of the ship when loading\unloading vehicles and cargo, as well as to stop the ship rocking back with the additional weight there.

Based on the above image, if the path from cockpit to cargo bay has few doors\ladders, this looks like it may be a great ROC transporter, as it appears that the underside is almost on the ground, so loading\unloading a ROC would be relatively easy (Of course, that is countered by having to find somewhere it can land that is relatively flat). Currently the Freelancer MAX and Valkyrie do that job for me, but this is slightly cheaper than the Valkyrie, and if flying in the lower cockpit section (or possibly even in the upper), it looks like it would give better visibility of the ground when flying than the Freelancer MAX.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Hmm interesting design for a Drake ship... and is defenetly NOT the Corsair: that ship presetna couple of aleron/wing at the very back very similar to the tail of the Varkyre that are not preent in the Corsair.
Also the engine location and the shape looks way ot of place comprared to the Corsair: corsair is a more swuare and pointy shappe, more like a triagle, this look more like and oval to me, and the engine location are in the middle of the ship, rather tthen 3/4 back... I'll also add that the Corsair so far has never been shown to have VTOL capability, while this ship it clearly have...

Mistery ship_2952.PNG

The back squared shape looks really like made for a ramp so My guess is a sort of a dedicated dropship... kinda to compensate for the flop of the Steel...

About the Pisces I think is unlikely to receive a medical version... I'll like it, but it looks more like the BIS skin consideding that IAE logo is red and white and BIS so far has taken IAE color scheme.
Shame I'll not receive it for the Avenger, I feel It will looks good on it.



Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
Not a mystery ship it....
Sure Look like THE CORSAIR
with wings folded up to land and wings are just outside frame..

Remember this are just concept drawings.. it might changed a bit from this.. to release..!

CHEERS! 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻 🍻
Seriously you have to hook me up with your dealer 😂

Or whats's your poison ? ;)

That's most probably the DRAKE Cutter, as mentionned in the files by SC leaks.

And taking a definition of cutter from wikipedia : "Government agencies use the term "cutter" for vessels employed in patrolling their territorial waters and other enforcement activities. This terminology is derived from the sailing cutters which had this sort of role from the 18th century to the end of the 19th century. (See below.) Whilst the details vary from country to country, generally these are small ships that can remain at sea for extended periods and in all usual weather conditions. Many, but not all, are armed. Uses include control of a country's borders and preventing smuggling. "

That would be cool if so :)
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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
About the Pisces I think is unlikely to receive a medical version... I'll like it, but it looks more like the BIS skin consideding that IAE logo is red and white and BIS so far has taken IAE color scheme.
Shame I'll not receive it for the Avenger, I feel It will looks good on it.
View attachment 23562
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@stockish @Cugino83 It is the medical version, as in the name of the files crawled by SC leaks some days ago. This is also not the BIS skin, you can see the BIS skin under in the spoiler. The BIS skin has a dark grey top, unlike in the picture of the trailer, which is full red (as other medical ship like the cuttie red).



And colors for BIS this year are :

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Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
If they follow last year's schedules with a day between new ships releases and\or announcements of upcoming (large\capitol class) ships, and the rumours going around are true, we could possibly expect:

Day 1 - New ship - Probably the Corsair, which was confirmed as coming in the patch.
Day 3 - New ship - Aegis, so likely yet another fighter of some variety (or a new bomber based on last year's ship voting options).
Day 5 - New ship - Anvil, so probably the Medical Pisces based on rumour and the preview video for the event.
Day 7 - New Ship\Vehicle - Crusader or Tumbril. I'd guess a ground vehicle of some type from Tumbril (A different Tank would be nice, for some variety in ground battles), as we've just had the Spirit concept release from Crusader.
Day 9 - "Announcement" - Something from RSI: Possibly related to either the winning vote for the manufacturer of the new mining ship (With only a small number of options available for people to vote for, it seems likely there was concept art prepared for each of the options, so we may see what we were blindly voting on), or less likely, to the MCV - I expect that the MCV will be waiting to release once Cargo Refactor comes out as well, given the "output" would need to be transported from the manufacturer to somewhere for transport\sale.
I bet we will also have a X'ian bomber, my little finger is telling me it will be available with a flight suit ^^

They also hinted an origin hover tank, in the recent ISC but I highly doubt it will be shown this IAE.



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Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I bet we will also have a X'ian bomber, my little finger is telling me it will be available with a flight suit ^^

They also hinted an origin hover tank, in the recent ISC but I highly doubt it will be shown this IAE.

View attachment 23570
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View attachment 23573
That is certainly possible, but given they haven't included anything other than paints with new releases for some time (no posters, models, armor, or even just helmets), I'd say that X'ian bomber (should there be one under development) is more likely to release during Invictus\Alien week next year, as the "alien" day is the day before the Pisces medical variant is likely to be released... That said, it is theoretically possible (but highly unlikely in my opinion) that one could be announced as part of MISC's line-up on the day before RSI's "announcement", in place of a Crusader\Tumbril offering.

The Armor, however, could still conceivably pop up on day 10 (BIS and Weapons\Armor) without the ship, in the same way the 5 armor sets appeared last year.


Apr 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Hmm interesting design for a Drake ship... and is defenetly NOT the Corsair: that ship presetna couple of aleron/wing at the very back very similar to the tail of the Varkyre that are not preent in the Corsair.
Also the engine location and the shape looks way ot of place comprared to the Corsair: corsair is a more swuare and pointy shappe, more like a triagle, this look more like and oval to me, and the engine location are in the middle of the ship, rather tthen 3/4 back... I'll also add that the Corsair so far has never been shown to have VTOL capability, while this ship it clearly have...

View attachment 23561

The back squared shape looks really like made for a ramp so My guess is a sort of a dedicated dropship... kinda to compensate for the flop of the Steel...
I still think it's probably the Corsair, possibly with landing gear at the back that looks like wings from this angle.... Either way, it will interesting to find out one way or another.

About the Pisces I think is unlikely to receive a medical version... I'll like it, but it looks more like the BIS skin consideding that IAE logo is red and white and BIS so far has taken IAE color scheme.
Shame I'll not receive it for the Avenger, I feel It will looks good on it.
View attachment 23562
View attachment 23563
I think the BIS colour scheme is actually dark grey\black with red highlights, rather than red with white highlights...

Have a look at around 6:45 in this video to see what I think may be the BIS colours:


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
@stockish @Cugino83 It is the medical version, as in the name of the files crawled by SC leaks some days ago. This is also not the BIS skin, you can see the BIS skin under in the spoiler. The BIS skin has a dark grey top, unlike in the picture of the trailer, which is full red (as other medical ship like the cuttie red).
Huuu I'll have to say that the red-white scheme looks better, even if the BIS red is more a metellic one... Make sense in some way on the other hand since Drake is sponsor of this year IAE and its logo and color signature is usually red and black...

I bet we will also have a X'ian bomber, my little finger is telling me it will be available with a flight suit ^^

They also hinted an origin hover tank, in the recent ISC but I highly doubt it will be shown this IAE.

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View attachment 23573
Love the armor/flight suite style, very different from all the one we got so far. Not sure if that is a x'ian style I'll like 'tho: x'ian always feel a bit to much bulky for wearing someting smooth and curve like that... I'll see that style more in line with Banu and theyr "organic" construction style.
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