The way Star Wars should go

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’ve been pretty critical of Acolyte. I hope people are keeping in mind the month or so and many pages of posts I defended Ahsoka before it came out. I’m not about bashing woke projects just because they’re infected with the mind virus. While I have a couple quibbles with Ahsoka, I’m still hoping it to deliver some good stuff in the future. I’m not nearly so hopeful about Acolyte.

Kathleen Kennedy poisoned the Acolyte waters for me. Early complaints that she had to be reigned in because she and Headlund wanted to create the universe’s most powerful Jedi, were just too over the top. The recent deconstruction of Luke Skywalker, showing him jibbering like a spineless squid, drueling blue milk into his beard and committing seppuku, just all shit. Killing Han in such a meaningless way. Delivering a Mary Sue who jumps over Tie fighters. Just shit. We need something else and this horrid, hateful, shameless shitting on the hero’s of the past has just got to end. And wtf, witches in Ahsoka and more witches in Acolyte. Just how many witches do we need, anyway?

IMHO, the essence of Star Wars is in the time period where evil is in power. The Empire, or First Order is in charge, and the good guys are freedom fighters. Most of our projects and all of the films are this way and I for one don’t think Acolyte’s departure from the Star Wars formula was a good one. So what should make good Star Wars?

Mandolorian, Fett, Ahsoka, Rangers, Skeleton Crew, Andor—these all hold out great potential, if Disney can just get down to some real storytelling.

Ahsoka I am concerned about. As much as I love the character, it does seem Kennedy needed to shit on Ezra Bridger. That was very discouraging. Also, Rosario Dawson’s athletics were very disappointing, and I’m no longer sure they can fix that character.

My private quibble with that. . .I should explain. In Star Wars, there are about seven light saber schools. One of them, I believe it is Ataru, is the rogue style that depends upon speed and agility. Overwhelming speed is the only defense against overwhelming strength, and it alone explains how Ahsoka could match Vader’s strength. Ahsoka was the embodiment of speed and agility in Clone Wars and Rebels. Rosario Dawson was completely unable to bring that to the screen. That’s a huge disappointment to see, especially for one who habitually plays high agility combatants in several TTRPGs. Also, Ahsoka was portrayed a bit distant and dire. We’ll have to wait and see if she recovers her hopeful spirit, but it was not fun to see how events have weighed on her.

The rest thought. . .even Fett can be made into something worthwhile. Just needs good writing—not that this is where I would put my effort.

I can’t hate Star Wars and say it’s done for until I see Skeleton Crew and Andor. These both deserve a fair viewing. As to lesbian witches and shaming the Jedi, fuck that nonsense. That’s gonna go into history as the only Star Wars embarrassment worst than the Holiday Special.
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I would really like them to do a project that delves into R2D2's lesbian past. Give me a six episode arc on how R2's girlfriend on Naboo (A saucy young Gonk droid) is pushing to move in with her after only three dates. Give me the story of how Mace Windu survived the fall from the window and was given an opportunity to live his truth in his faked death; He becomes a female Nimoidian and begins a whirlwind romance with an emotionally unavailable wookie. Ooh what about a Kenobi/Owen Lars brokeback mountain rip-off? "Twin suns of passion". Galactic senate ala Bridgerton. Just steamy hours of aliens fuckin' in fancy hairdoos. The possibilities are endless. ENDLESS.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle

Do it buddy! Be the change you wanna see!

PS: I'm sick of all the non stop Star Wars spam on these boards.


Best star wars is when they examine and explore the jedi through the eyes of an outsider, a different perspective. Nothing to do with the bad bad empire in control.

My favourite star wars outside of the original trilogy?
The Knights of the Old Republic games, both 1 & 2.

(And The Last Jedi. that shit was fucking brilliant cinema. Apart from Canto Blight. Best showdown scene since The Good, the Bad the Ugly.)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don’t think anyone has complained about exploring the Jedi from a different perspective. The complaint is about portraying the Jedi as evil and the Sith as good. You can understand why this made Disney apprehensive and delay release for over a year. It has the entire long term fan base outraged.


I don’t think anyone has complained about exploring the Jedi from a different perspective. The complaint is about portraying the Jedi as evil and the Sith as good. You can understand why this made Disney apprehensive and delay release for over a year. It has the entire long term fan base outraged.
Entire long term fanbase?
No. I'm long term, and I'm quite liking it.

And they haven't made the Sith good. Qimir was on a murder spree. That ain't good. They've made the sith a bit more naunced, that's all, and the Jedi fallable - Which they always were. I mean, look at Anakin. Jedi, and not such a pleasant fellow!


Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
I don’t think anyone has complained about exploring the Jedi from a different perspective. The complaint is about portraying the Jedi as evil and the Sith as good. You can understand why this made Disney apprehensive and delay release for over a year. It has the entire long term fan base outraged.
Yet there are Jedi who have become Sith and the reverse is also true, most notably Mara Jade Skywalker. So just like any real world religion there are times of upheaval that can make one side look bad, and other religions look good comparatively. Let's take the Catholic Spanish Inquisition and Protestants' Witch Trials as examples. Both dark times in an otherwise good religious establishment.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well guys, you’re both ignoring what Headlund says about her own story. You’re ignoring what she has said for eighteen months and why the series’ release was delayed more than a year. You’re ignoring that one in ten fans like this tripe. If you have to ignore all that, one wonders what your agenda is.

Fans hate this for good reasons. The Jedi are being deconstructed. Doesn’t matter if you call it “nuanced”. It’s shit. People rightfully hate it.

Why are Jedi taking ten year olds to fight a Jedi killer? Because Headlund is making the Jedi evil. How is it you two can’t figure out what deconstruction is? Were you born yesterday?

“Nuanced” is a Jedi rationalizing a lie. “Deconstructed” is murdering an entire cult, like Anakin murdered the Sand People.


Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
Well I'll speak for myself. You create threads that bash Star Wars whether it's in general or specific to a show. It's getting tiring because you complain to people who don't share the same feelings and you tend to dismiss them out of hand. If you don't like what Disney is doing, go back to what you do love, which I'm guessing is the Legacy side of SW. So instead of taking so many opportunities to complain about SW you might just want to go back to the original trilogy and the subsequent books and comics and enjoy them. At this point it seems like whatever Disney does you will never stop complaining, when people can't stop complaining about any subject no one wants to hear about it anymore.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
You’re drawing an unwarranted conclusion. I’d refer you to the thread six months ago where I defended Ahsoka for ten pages over a month. I don’t hate all modern Star Wars. I like Mando, and Andor, and Rebels, and Clone Wars and I’d like to like Rangers and Skeleton Crew. Only there isn’t going to be a Rangers because of Kennedy’s political hatred.

I hate Acolyte for the same reason I hated the deprecation of Luke Skywalker. I hate KK shitting on the past because she thinks that’s okay, and it makes her diseased tripe look better by comparison. Star Wars is still in the hands of haters, and I’ll stop complaining when it isn’t. When they fire Kathleen Kennedy and Lesley Headlund, and promote Tony Gilroy into her place, you won’t hear another complaint.

Disney has an authentic choice whether they are going to honor the source material or dishonor it. Currently the plan, as expressly stated by Kennedy and Headlund, is to dishonor it. That’s not okay with the real fan base. I don’t know what you call yourself, but you’re not that.
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Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
Yet you will never have control over that, nor is there any guarantee that if something happens it will happen the way you want it to. I learned a long time ago that if you can't control it, there's no need to care, thus no reason to complain. All your anger does is continue to fuel more anger, SW stopped being Gen-X's baby when Disney bought the IP and turned all previous books/ comics to "Legacy" and no longer made them a part of SW going forward.

Now this set of shows no longer belongs to us, but future generations. Disney's happy to reference the old stuff from time to time just like every Pixar movie putting in jokes/ references that kids will never understand. Disney is moving forward and they don't need your consent in doing it. If you have issue with that take it up with them directly, like we've pointed out. They're hiring.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
None of that is true. It’s NOT MAKING MONEY. There are hours of detailed explanations online showing how Disney’s official stance on this is a lie.

What in fact has happened is Disney purchased the number one entertainment franchise of all time and successfully knocked it down to slot twelve. People are not watching this.

And yeah I guess we just disagree. I do not think Disney has some weird onus to shit on Luke Skywalker, and you sound pretty crazy to argue they do. Of course the fans hate it. Who are you to tell us we’re not allowed to complain? WTF?

Even Mark Hamil has complained publicly about how Kennedy debased his character. He hates what they did to Luke.

Tell you what, how about you get some friends, go out in public and drool blue milk into your beard. See how heroic people take that.
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Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
None of that is true. It’s NOT MAKING MONEY. There are hours of detailed explanations online showing how Disney’s official stance on this is a lie.

What in fact has happened is Disney purchased the number one entertainment franchise of all time and successfully knocked it down to slot twelve. People are not watching this.

And yeah I guess we just disagree. I do not think Disney has some weird onus to shit on Luke Skywalker, and you sound pretty crazy to argue they do. Of course the fans hate it. Who are you to tell us we’re not allowed to complain? WTF?

Even Mark Hamil has complained publicly about how Kennedy debased his character. He hates what they did to Luke.

Tell you what, how about you get some friends, go out in public and drool blue milk into your beard. See how heroic people take that.
And this is a perfect example of my point, according to you the C-Suite level of SW Disney will never do anything right and you attack the people who disagree with your viewpoint to the point of disrespecting them.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
If you’re going to make this about me, instead of Star Wars, then you ought to supply some sort of objective evidence that I’m the terrible person you’re portraying. Right now all I’m guilty of is complaining when people shit on my favorite IP.

Maybe instead of casting these enormous generalizations about things you know nothing about, you should just address the facts at issue. I’m not attacking you nor anyone outside the twisted mind virus heads at Disney. There’s not a fan of anything, who is going to sympathize with your crazy notions that fans don’t get to criticize when people destroy what they love.

How about you treat with the actual details of why 87% of the fan base thinks Acolyte sucks, and stop with your childish and inept arguments that I have no right to an opinion?


Vice Admiral
Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
Because I don't really care about your opinion of SW at this point, so debating facts is not something I care to do.
Maybe instead of casting these enormous generalizations about things you know nothing about, you should just address the facts at issue.
I did, citing your comments specifically by pointing out you are being disrespectful.
How about you treat with the actual details of why 87% of the fan base thinks Acolyte sucks, and stop with your childish and inept arguments that I have no right to an opinion?
Never said you don't have a right to your opinion. I'm just tired of reading your diatribes about an IP I enjoy and your attack on me personally.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So go read somewhere else. Problem solved.

Pro tip: if you don’t like what someone is saying, but respect their right to say it, just move along. Stop earning insults.

Your mother dresses you funny.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Dude....go post somewhere else for fucks sake. You waste so much time here posting stuff about Star Wars when most of us here don't really give a shit about it. Star Wars hasn't been good in ages and there's nothing you can do about it.

This is primarily a Star Citizen community and it's absolutely spammed to hell with your impotent nerd ranting.

Just to balance it out, I'm gonna start ranting about Bluey since my kid watches it. Those dogs are fucking WOKE and it offends my sensibilities!
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