Recent content by Annitias

  1. Annitias

    Gunner's motion graphics thread - Test Propaganda!

    I am Annitias and I approve of this messaging. Or something like that. Welcome back to creating!
  2. Annitias

    State of the Squadron 54

    I demand more.
  3. Annitias

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    This thing is still going? Me guata.
  4. Annitias

    Thats some serious change to weapon damage in 3.14!

    I do like the limits on ammo, feels more like a WW2 engagement. Be mindful of when you decide to engage, the clock is running.
  5. Annitias

    Propaganda Thursdays

    I approve of this message.
  6. Annitias

    This poor guy is about to be kicked out of ADI :(

    We have better drink options anyways?
  7. Annitias

    My Experience with ADI, Atlas Defense Industries.

    As I missed the request earlier, that is indeed the real JayC. Please continue to be respectful and share the glory of TEST.
  8. Annitias

    My Experience with ADI, Atlas Defense Industries.

    Instructions unclear. Creating memes
  9. Annitias

    I murdered a javelin today

    I would never sell any of mine. Always need spares.
  10. Annitias

    5 year Anniversary

    Who let Randson post? Back to your slumber!
  11. Annitias

    Welp, that’s 4 years on the forums for me.

    Welp, that’s 4 years on the forums for me.
  12. Annitias

    The "I got my Citizencon 2018 ticket" thread!

    Got a ticket. Now to find a place to crash!
  13. Annitias

    TEST Squadron is the largest gaming guild in the world!

    That jacket is ok looking....
  14. Annitias

    TEST Squadron is the largest gaming guild in the world!

    This is thanks to all the amazing members (and questionable ones too) that hopped on this crazy adventure some nearly 4 years ago now. Cheers to @Montoya, @SeungRyul and the rest of the staff for managing to steer this ship to its current position! Bring out the finest beers, it’s party time!
  15. Annitias

    Hmm... ISP free speed increase from 100Mbps to 200Mbps?

    Still getting 100/10 on spectrum here. Waiting for the 200 bump
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