I haven't played a cod since cod5 waw so I cannot really say much about it, I like the music in the trailer though :D
But dislikes are still attention. and thats pretty much all cod needs to be successful.
You can keep watching the show. The show will drift away from the books further in the later seasons. So you won't know everything already. +The current season is partially based on "book 6". So new stuff there aswell.
On the one hand I dislike the sudden deaths of major characters, but on the...
I think the storyline in the books makes more sense. Some plots in the show kinda seem forced so they can get someone somewhere so he can do some stuff there.
But production wise it is a hell of a show :D
I have memorized all those equations and came to to conclusion, that one of the most important equations of space travel was missing:
this equation is needed to calculate the maximum speed difference (acceleration) u can achieve with a given amount of fuel. (Propellant mass: m_p = m_0 - m_f)...