Recent content by BenjiMac

  1. BenjiMac

    So, 3.0 live release just bumped to September...

    I dunno. I get all the perfectly valid arguments about game development and the nature of the project. but likewise, I've seen plenty of people around the internet claim this is all perfectly normal - it assuredly is not. My company sets goals for developers and they are expected to be met - to...
  2. BenjiMac

    Attention TEST: You are toxic, dysfunctional and in complete disarray!

    They... They say 'Twisted' and 'Completely disfunctional ' like its a bad thing...
  3. BenjiMac

    What to expect in Star Citizen Alpha 3.0?

    Does anyone know if ship locking will be in 3.0? I'm just curious how - with open ships and armistice zones - trading will be feasible? Even at quiet times, you can rarely if ever spawn a larger ship without being boarded on the pad. How are we supposed to spawn, board, fly, land, disembark...
  4. BenjiMac

    What to expect in Star Citizen Alpha 3.0?

    Yep. I can't help predicting a lot of what we expect will be cut out too. I hope to be proven wrong.
  5. BenjiMac


    Do we know the lifetime of the loan? Assuming the suggested 5 million figure is right then 3% suggests 150,000 GBP interest per year. Thats your cash and mine, I remind. Is the interest listed in the documentation at Companies House? Given it's a high risk investment (CIGs future revenue...
  6. BenjiMac


    I hope so. Its the vague, open to interpretation language he used in some places that doesn't help. I mean *technically* he is right - the Star Citizen IP is not at risk as best i can tell. but the assets that make up the game seemingly are - he was keen to step around that one.
  7. BenjiMac


    It does sound reasonable, but it is also vague and in at least one place totally inaccurate. This is not a partnership, it is a loan. It looks like betting the farm on a short term, seemingly high interest bridging loan against a non-guaranteed future payment all to avoid some currency...
  8. BenjiMac


    0.25% - That does not sound right. I would wager the floating rate is much, much higher. I've batted this around with some work bods, the CFO tells me that without knowing details it's hard to really evaluate whether this was a smart move. He's unfamilliar with the project and my explanation...
  9. BenjiMac

    Caterpillar Sale

  10. BenjiMac

    Caterpillar Sale

    Agreed. I think the cat modules will be a long way out, if they are still all on the cards at all. The Cat itself will surely get a rework again - I mean LOOK at it. There is no way to load and unload on the ground, the front bay is feet in the air and so you coudl get a dragonfly out but not...
  11. BenjiMac

    Caterpillar Sale

    Unfortunately not, the front bays, as they currently are couldn't lock together air tight - plus both bays would open outwards and into each other :(
  12. BenjiMac

    VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

    You and me both - thats why I'm actually a little more annoyed than I woudl otherwise be. I get, at most, a small handful of hours per week to enjoy my gaming in between all the mandatory adulting. People who deliberately ruin those precious hours really grate me.
  13. BenjiMac

    VirtualAss threatens Montoya and all 13,000 members of TEST!

    I'm sure mass spamming will win him many allies - which he will obviously need having challenged the honour of the Glorious Leader. Obviously, we can't really prove one way or the other about the debug info claims - but what can be proven is spawn camping is super douchey. As he's an RPer I'd...
  14. BenjiMac

    Any TESTies in or around Berlin heading to CitizenCon?

    Any TESTies in or around Berlin heading to CitizenCon?
  15. BenjiMac

    CitizenCon 2947 Friday, October 27th

    I'm keen to go - but the ticket numbers are less than I expected. Any TESTies leaving from or via Berlin?
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