Recent content by Black Sunder

  1. Black Sunder

    Blacktron Lego sets

    I'm getting this one.
  2. Black Sunder

    I'm [CONCERN]ed too.

    I'm [CONCERN]ed too.
  3. Black Sunder

    The TEST Refinery Deck & Refinery Guide - V3.12

    Depends on if hardware comes more available next year and I can build a new computer.
  4. Black Sunder

    The value of a mineable rock...selling a mining location.

    No......the carrack doesn't have any function at this time and can't do anything else a fighter can't do as far as scanning. Still have to truck the quant back before it explodes. For now.
  5. Black Sunder

    The value of a mineable rock...selling a mining location.

    "the loss of potential gain from other alternatives when one alternative is chosen." The person finding these has it quite easy compared to the mining ship(s) which are much slower at.....everything. For each good rock, that 5%-10% adds up quickly. With multiple mining ships around, the scanner...
  6. Black Sunder

    The value of a mineable rock...selling a mining location.

    I would pay 5%-10% depending on the rock and its overall value. Frankly the opportunity cost for the scanner is quite low and doesn't justify anything over 10% Until CIG gets contracts into the game where you can sell verified info(done by scanning the rock) and have coordinates with it, then...
  7. Black Sunder

    I hate 30k errors!!!!!

    The game detected you were about to have fun.
  8. Black Sunder

    Mining Bug... Please Help

    I honestly don't know. It sounds like the job is being cancelled after its been made and he's losing everything. Either that or he's not selling it at a TDD. I'm sorry for taking so long to respond. I can't even play the game now but at 10 FPS or less and I'm burned out so taking a big break...
  9. Black Sunder

    returned to station

    At least you didn't lose your work @Thalstan.
  10. Black Sunder

    Happy Birthday Glorious Leader

    Well I'm super late but Happy 21st Birthday! Now you can finally drink.
  11. Black Sunder

    Mining Guide Updates Blog

    Oh if only it was that simple. And thats all I'm going to talk about it anymore. I personally see this as a nice break from SC.
  12. Black Sunder

    Mining Guide Updates Blog

    nope. :D Its ok though, CIG knows its a problem for many many many people. its been confirmed many times.
  13. Black Sunder

    Mining Guide Updates Blog

    There are several confirmed bug reports of the issue now. CIG knows something is happening. As I can not get on to play, the Guide is on hold. I have all the tables updated though on my end because I was able to get all that before I could no longer play with the J patch I believe.
  14. Black Sunder

    Mining Guide Updates Blog

    Well until something is fixed I can't play. PTU won't even launch anymore for several patches now. early 3.13 ones worked fine.
  15. Black Sunder

    Semi-Daily Mining Ops for 3.12

    It stopped several months ago due to lack of interest.
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