Recent content by Cable

  1. Cable

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    The places we'll go have no names. For we haven't discovered them yet.
  2. Cable

    TEST Squadron Infiltrated by CIG

  3. Cable

    Find us a Home! TEST HQ

    Remember that there will be the possibility of discovering jump points. So there will be shortcuts from system to system.
  4. Cable

    Repair guide: Montoya fixes broken screen

    Wait.... You're not using a CRT monitor? I thought those were back in style?
  5. Cable

    Ding! Now gimme some Angry Orchard.

    Was just on the 25th!
  6. Cable

    Ding! Now gimme some Angry Orchard.

    Happy Birthday! We're almost birthday brothers!
  7. Cable

    Live meeting this Saturday July 25, 3pm EST

    Since that day is my birthday and all... all I ask is for you to paint your bald head like a Test Squadron logo. I, however, cannot make it because I will be getting wrecked at the casino. So you better record it.
  8. Cable

    Officer Record: David Cable

    Officer Record #38666070 Name: David Cable Rank: Captain of Exploration Vessel Dead Space Moan Joined: 12/16/2214 Security Clearance: Research Level 1 Biography Enlisted and trained for security and threat interception detail. After losing too many fleet vessels and extended med...
  9. Cable

    It's Saturday Night, TESTies!

    Going to work, doing dishes, then dressing in women's clothing on omegle (obviously) Drinking Boulevard Red IPA Playing Vanduul Swarm and maybe some spoopy games to stream Watching X-Files
  10. Cable

    Cracking and popping noise when people talk in Mumble

    Hm. It sounds like a local issue to me. Run through the audio wizard and see if you have a boost somewhere.
  11. Cable

    Cracking and popping noise when people talk in Mumble

    Is this everyone or certain individuals?
  12. Cable

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    Glad to see more people are interested in exploration! My Carrack will for sure be out there exploring the cosmos.
  13. Cable

    Your Ships. The Why and Future Purchases - Revived!

    Current: Gladius: I originally had a 325a, then an Avenger, then a 325a again... But after flying this beauty during the free flight week, I decided to upgrade once again. Keeping this for AC fun and future TEST ops. Carrack: Because for the short time that I played EVE, all I wanted to do...
  14. Cable

    RP Within the 'Verse - Noob friendly guide

    I roleplay every day life. In reality I'm a rock, but I RP so well nobody notices. I've been a D&D nerd for years now, and yes once you get in the zone of playing, it doesn't matter how many blunts you've smoked, drinks you've had, or what crippling social anxiety you've been diagnosed, you...
  15. Cable

    I want your old amd processor!

    We're on hold until I can sit down and screw around with my build for a while. Thanks for your enthusiasm though.
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