Recent content by CRISS9000

  1. CRISS9000


    and I'm only going to be using it once or twice if ever. I'm not going to make a new account and add to the password bloat just for one time.
  2. CRISS9000


    oh great, more accounts to register. I love registering accounts for stuff that I'll almost never make use of... (/sarcasm) is there anything that won't waste my time with pointless accounts?
  3. CRISS9000


    I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out a CCU chain up from one of my cheaper LTI tokens, hoping to save up a good amount of store credit. The LTI tokens I have in my buyback are: - Dragonfly Black (have 2 or 3 of those) - Ranger (one of each of the 3 variants) - MPUV Cargo (2 or 3)...
  4. CRISS9000

    [Yex's Container Thread] for TEST propaganda and Photoshoop

    isn't that the only proper way to drive tho?
  5. CRISS9000

    Let's talk C1

    until CIG bother to redo the other ships in the size class and balance them properly. only time will tell when they'll do that.
  6. CRISS9000

    That one time I got ran over by a PTV

    now that's a blast from the past.
  7. CRISS9000

    That one time I got ran over by a PTV
  8. CRISS9000

    Star Citizen 2024 Forecast

    this. with an entire shaker full of salt. - if we get just the hangars, mobiglas and starmap, i'll be happy. and i'm hoping to see them in Q1, and that gear insurance will come with them. (LTI or GTFO!) - i'll be surprised if 4.0 even makes it to Q4. it's just that big of a deal that it's...
  9. CRISS9000

    Me and the boys on a field trip to the sandcaves of Daymar.
  10. CRISS9000

    Frysian reporting for booty- Uh, duty

    welcome. your TEST standard issue Aurora is in the mail.
  11. CRISS9000

    I'm honestly amazed at how timeless this game is.

    Hali-Life 2 is about 20 years old now but it still maintains popularity even with the younglings of today in different ways (tho not necessarily in a direct way). One of those ways is by fan-made mods, and perhaps one of the best is this. This is a rather long video, but it is definitely worth...
  12. CRISS9000

    Oh, please keep this in game...please, please, please!

    if the "Hold the Line" video of Squadron 42 is any indication, this will likely make a comeback... ...10 years from now...
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