Recent content by Cyberwolf

  1. Cyberwolf

    CitizenCon 2954: Manchester, UK on October 19-20, 2024

    Flight Check, Hotel Check, Beer Check Check!
  2. Cyberwolf

    CitizenCon 2954: Manchester, UK on October 19-20, 2024

    wonder if we'll be able to climb in for pics? Prob not But I will take a Pic next to it!!
  3. Cyberwolf

    Citizencon 2024 Donation Drive!

    Sweet! Going to get me one of those fancy PENS!
  4. Cyberwolf

    State of the Squadron 54

    Our Great Leader recently Played his best video..stripper poles on the Old Connie Phoenix and strippers!
  5. Cyberwolf

    Pyro Jump Point in game now!

  6. Cyberwolf

    The Return to the Good Star Wars

    It's really because this is a Clone Wars/Rebel's love letter, if you saw CW and Rebel's you understood otherwise you were Out of luck which is bad in the sense of bringing in your audience along with you. Still loved the show warts and all. Even my Die Hard I hate all new SW friend Loved the...
  7. Cyberwolf

    The Return to the Good Star Wars

    I watched it and I LOVED IT, Fight Choreography was off the HOOk and I just had a great time watching.
  8. Cyberwolf

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    You don't tell me what to do,..Like
  9. Cyberwolf

    EVE Online making another attempt at first person shooter

    I lost all faith in CCP after they canceled both DUST and the Walking in Stations then they started taking Crypto and got bought by was if Perfect World and I was like done. GL to all the players that have stuck it out
  10. Cyberwolf

    Starfield. Hope for Star Citizen.

    Yeah I Like Starfield I do not Love it. Playing SF just makes me appreciate What we do have in SC right now. When it works!
  11. Cyberwolf

    The Hull C is now $500

    Welp got mine day one for like what was it? 250? I was priced the same as the BMM when that first came out no?
  12. Cyberwolf


  13. Cyberwolf


  14. Cyberwolf


    Anybody know where CIG Gives you the 10% Sub coupon I have one since I haven't used it in more then a year but forgot where they Post it! Want to use it to buy this baby Trading my Orion for it which I paid ONLY $250 for and they are giving me over $500 in trade in credit for.
  15. Cyberwolf

    Anvil Carrack - Reverse the Verse - The Shape of Ships (Dec-2018)

    Does the ship spec page OR the sale page EVER say YOu get TWO rovers or even You can Fit two rovers? If it sits it fits is still the rule..there are ships now that Hold ZERO rovers that people have managed to get a rover into. The problem w the Carrack is its been delayed so long people have...
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