Daak Gelrin's latest activity

  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Wolfy's post in the thread Losing the faith with Like Like.
    I really don't think it's worth putting money/time into a project you have doubts on or just are not having fun with. This is a hobby...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Montoya's post in the thread Losing the faith with o7 o7.
    No shame in taking a break. There is no defending the time its taken them to get to this point. Dune should be coming out, that will...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Thalstan's post in the thread Losing the faith with o7 o7.
    About 10 years ago, I backed for a game being made by Chris Roberts. It had big plans and a reasonable implementation date, but it...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to CitizenDad's post in the thread Vanduul Blade getting a buff with Like Like.
    Just did this, another "accidental" order my clickin buy now fingers move faster than my brain so there is no stopping it sometimes...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to CitizenDad's post in the thread Vanduul Blade getting a buff with o7 o7.
    I really wasn't going to get it but since I plan on being a big member of Operation Pitchfork and vanquishing Vanduul scum by the brood...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Mudhawk's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with o7 o7.
    Kinda lucky I can only play on saturdays at the moment. Saves me 5 days of frustration each week. ;-P Still, after 6 days I kinda look...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Lorddarthvik's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with o7 o7.
    Seems like I'm back to playing Helldivers2 and Diablo 1 until they fix the most pressing issues... Had the same random hangar/elevator...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Bambooza's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with o7 o7.
    Even with the last two hot fixes elevator access has been sporadic. At this point it feels like when you get on a freshly rebooted...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Mudhawk's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with o7 o7.
    Pretty much my experience at Orizon on saturday. Had to switch from /LIVE to /HOTFIX to be able to use the elevators. (Rename the game...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin replied to the thread Wee 4.0.
    4.0.1 latest: Servers were running nice Elevators were working from the habs Trains were working Trapped in A18 because my hangar...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Wolfy's post in the thread MISC Fortune with Like Like.
    I have been using the Fortune. While I like stripping components, I have kinda limited time/energy to play and having the gameplay be a...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin replied to the thread Fight for (dummies) in Pyro.
    Oh, hadn't thought of that one.
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Mudhawk's post in the thread Fight for (dummies) in Pyro with o7 o7.
    Been to the gear shop on Orbituary station yesterday. I saw the prices for ammunition. I'm NOT surprised the guys there use their guns...
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Bambooza's post in the thread Fight for (dummies) in Pyro with Like Like.
    Wonder if we can kill all three and put test Squadron in as the true ruling faction.
  • Daak Gelrin
    Daak Gelrin reacted to Sky Captain's post in the thread Fight for (dummies) in Pyro with Like Like.
    On the bright side, Tony Z promised NPC AI years ago. And we can now see they've programmed running!
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