Debris Field

Personal Hangar
RSI Aurora, RSI Constellation, MISC Freelancer, MISC Hull C, Aegis Gladius, Aegis Sabre, Anvil Hornet, Kruger P-52 Merlin, Origin 300 Series, Xi'An Khartu-Al, MISC Prospector
Timezone Avalibility
RSI Handle
Steam Username


  1. 300

    Third Anniversary in TEST Squadron

    I don't know what you did to deserve getting stuck in TEST but I pray for your soul's deliverance =P Thank you for being an amazing addition to our gaming community <3
  2. 200

    Second Anniversary managed to stick with us for 2 years. What....what is wrong with you people?
  3. 50

    Every Bit Counts!

    Thanks for the support kind sir/madam! You have become part of history!
  4. 100

    First Anniversary

    You've been registered here for a year, congratulations!
  5. 10

    Someone Likes Me!

    Well not really, but looks like someone actually liked what you said!
  6. 10

    Comms Initiated

  7. 50

    Daily Vitamins

    Nine out of ten doctors recommend a daily dosage of TEST forums is the best answer to boredom. Log on to TEST forums for every day of the week.
  8. 5

    Meat for the Grinder

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