Recent content by dekenfrost

  1. dekenfrost

    Ensign dekenfrost reporting in

    Since I have some more time why not do a proper introduction. Where you from stranger? I live in Germany, near Hannover. What drew you to Star Citizen? Wing Commander was one of the first games I played a lot on the old amiga 500. I was shit at it, but space exploration was something that I...
  2. dekenfrost

    Ensign dekenfrost reporting in

    Membership pending
  3. dekenfrost

    Ensign dekenfrost reporting in

    Hello there, since Test Squadron is still one member short of 300 I felt that I could help out in this time of peril. I'm looking forward to fly with you guys on an absolutely not regular basis, pretty much only when I feel like it. But when I do feel like it you can put all your trust in...
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