Recent content by DirectorGunner

  1. DirectorGunner

    Gunner's motion graphics thread - Test Propaganda!

    Making assets again, ping me here if want any digital thing TEST branded
  2. DirectorGunner

    Clarification on LTI by CIG

    Does anyone have a link to the YouTube video of the panel discussing this? I missed it edit: Day 1 Broadcast Day 2 Broadcast Found it The shuttle ship I'm most excited about TBH lol I'm terrified of the cost of adding level 3 insurance add-ons...
  3. DirectorGunner

    Clarification on LTI by CIG

    For some reason scrolling screenshot tools doesn't work with Spectrum, but for backup:
  4. DirectorGunner

    Montoya Reacts to Star Citizen End Game

    Our space station rims will blot out the sun...
  5. DirectorGunner


    It's been crazy, thank you, miss you too
  6. DirectorGunner


    Time to harvest the balls from that sand pe........
  7. DirectorGunner

    The best Star Wars space combat ever is a fan film!

    The only thing I don't like about it is the director's choices and sometimes the lack of attention to detail in the acting performances. That whole project took immense effort, love, care, and time. But I kept cringing at moments in the performances while I was trying to enjoy it. I don't know...
  8. DirectorGunner

    AC experimental mode Spectrum Badges have been issued

    is it still possible to get this???!
  9. DirectorGunner

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    Derailing threads, this is the way!
  10. DirectorGunner

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    Is this guy serious? MY CONDUCT? I ended the conversation by telling him to f off (for playing dumb semantic games and arguing and not stopping as I asked, more than once kindly.) and then I blocked him. That should have been the end of it. Then he takes parts of the PRIVATE conversation (not...
  11. DirectorGunner

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    He claimed now he was not a TEST member. He was just in the discord. Goes by Theotoko, or m0shit on reddit. Thank you for your support, everyone. I was in a pretty low place IRL when that bastard decided to blast and troll me publicly. I got some DMs that he has a reputation for being a total...
  12. DirectorGunner

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    If anyone wants to vouche for me, my character is being falsely attacked: View: In a tuff spot, so trying to sell my ultra rares to pay for my citcon trip and some bills, that's it's own...
  13. DirectorGunner

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    I edited my reply as things sold: -Spartan sold -Renegade sold -Carbon Mole sold -Hull B
  14. DirectorGunner

    Original LTI Ships and Ground Vehicles for TESTies

    Buybacks are open again, but I also need to sell some of my fleet to pay bills and to help with my CitCon trip planned in October: Need these sold ASAP, please. Edit: -Spartan sold -Renegade sold -Carbon Mole sold -Hull B
  15. DirectorGunner

    Any Python scripters?

    FML. i just learned about this tool or if I knew about it I forgot it. gonna give it a shot Edit: Tutorial updated to use StarFab:
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