Recent content by Duckforceone

  1. Duckforceone

    Item Recovery

    i'm a crafter / builder.... and i'm not worried at all.... this means i will actually wear stuff around and not look like i just respawned in no gear all the time... i don't care if i won't make millions reselling stuff again and again because of a shitty lose everything system... i just want...
  2. Duckforceone

    Item Recovery

    i like it so far... it allows me to freely use the stuff i have paid for, or worked hard for in game.... will definitely make the game more fun for me... and it removes the major time sinks that Richard mentions... that's a dual win....
  3. Duckforceone

    The Gorge

    you are quite good at making posts that makes no sense with the title or your links unless you already know what you are talking about or click the links all the way through... :D please oh please do things like The gorge (movie 2024) or put explanations into your first post like, here's a...
  4. Duckforceone

    Losing the faith

    Weirdly enough, as an introvert thats staying at home all the time, 2020-2022 were full of things for me.... i was out more during those years than the previous years.... (helping society cope as military)
  5. Duckforceone

    Losing the faith

    i took a 5-6 years break.... and i'm happier for it... now there's squadron 42 just next year.... which will keep me happy for 2026.... and by then we should also have the new crafting and base building, so game will be a lot deeper by then
  6. Duckforceone

    need help getting this broken maps in arena commander offline mode confirmed

    Since i can't post links on discord, i guess i need to post here to get some help getting this past the 10 required confirmations. For a few weeks now, all the offline ground maps in arena commander have been broken this is how the good doctor looks... the other ground map, just is all...
  7. Duckforceone

    WTB C1 Spirit "Olympia" Paint

    good looking skin... :D
  8. Duckforceone

    Simpit Wall plating test

    first test print came out amazing...
  9. Duckforceone

    Stealth Gear

    how long until people start to whine about this and it's nerfed again? (without scanning truly being implemented, it sounds like it's going to be the new meta)
  10. Duckforceone

    Simpit Wall plating test

    don't be... i'll share the files when they are done, and they should be easy to print. :D
  11. Duckforceone

    Simpit Wall plating test

    got a nice test print out that gives me something to work with.... now it's time to learn fusion to make it more precisely... :D
  12. Duckforceone

    Simpit Wall plating test

    next update. Prototyping a section now.
  13. Duckforceone

    In Case You Missed It 2025

    btw... for those that have done the earlier ccu dance, there's a slightly better version now than in december. prospector to hornet hornet to terrapin medic terrapin medic to starlancer max (in december it was the guardian in the same price class, but starlancer saves 5 dollars more) Spend 30...
  14. Duckforceone

    They finally released a new ship size comparison chart So awesome to have a great updated version.
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