Recent content by Ferroto Baggins

  1. F

    Starfield page up on Steam

    Guys wait until it releases, preorders will ruin the game.
  2. F

    Alien week! Montoya's opinion video

    Had to pause the video to go and find and watch that commercial which was absolutely brilliant.
  3. F

    Greetings from Canuckistan.

    My RSI handle still says I'm not in an org yet.
  4. F

    Greetings from Canuckistan.

    Where you from stranger? Newfoundland, Canada What drew you to Star Citizen? I had the game for awhile but I only recently got a PC that can play it. I'm also a huge fan of space sims: EVE Online, Elite Dangerous, Space Engineers, SWG before the CU. My introduction to space sims would have to...
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