Recent content by Guzzo

  1. Guzzo

    TEST Jiu Jitsu Practice :)

  2. Guzzo

    Citizencon 2017 post show thoughts

    This is how i'm watching the con. WIT MUH BEER GOGGLES
  3. Guzzo

    Should we buy a Pioneer for $850 for the org?

    Does the Pioneer come with dysentery? Or at least encourage it?
  4. Guzzo

    Is there a designated shitposting area?

  5. Guzzo

    Is there a designated shitposting area?

    Asking... for a friend. :eyes:
  6. Guzzo

    Pumpin gas and kickin' ass

    You betcha that was an eye catcher! I got all HYPE over Pumpin gas and kickin' ass PUMPIN GAS IS WHAT GUZZO DOES, SON
  7. Guzzo

    SAH Dude

    'suh du'!
  8. Guzzo

    I can't think of a title...

    This... this is a resource? :joy:
  9. Guzzo

    Test in GTA5?

    Oh right on, my people! I have nearly 500 hours in GTA Online and don't have a crew at the moment. I have lots of toys and would be down to do whatever. SC name is GuzzoTrooper
  10. Guzzo


  11. Guzzo


    o7 Reporting for shenanigans, sir!
  12. Guzzo

    What are you looking forward to the most in 3.0?

    Zooming around fast and low in the Kruger :airplane_small:
  13. Guzzo

    WAYLATM - What are you listening at the moment?

    Rvdical The Kid - Iní
  14. Guzzo

    Letter from the Chairman: The Road Ahead

    Squadron 42 is quite a ways off I imagine...
  15. Guzzo

    Letter from the Chairman: The Road Ahead

    Just about two more months, that'll fly by!
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