Recent content by Halvix

  1. Halvix

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    Instructions still unclear. Did you say drink more beer? That must be it, beer is always the answer.
  2. Halvix


  3. Halvix

    Old Fart FNG reporting for duty o7

    Hello and welcome to Test Squadron. Thank you for your service :o7:
  4. Halvix

    Good hello

    Hello and welcome to the BEST Squadron! O'neill is a correct answer as well.
  5. Halvix

    Star Citizen Live SPECIAL EDITION: A More Stable Universe - TEXT SUMMARY

    The summary looks great but was just too much to read so I just watched the damn thing. I look forward to more stability. More features and new ships are great and all, but if you can't even log in or take an elevator to your hanger then whats the point of new stuff. I think this is a move in...
  6. Halvix


    Have you tried it on a female PC, they may be completely invulnerable to it.
  7. Halvix

    Zeus CL coming in 4.0

    4.0 when? I'm excited for 3.24 and personal hangers.
  8. Halvix

    Alien Week Code: free coin

    ooh free stuff... thanks for the heads up.
  9. Halvix

    Shit new applicants are saying

    Who needs a wife anyways when you have Test Squadron?
  10. Halvix


    Welcome to TEST! If you're looking for people to play with check out our Discord.
  11. Halvix

    Hello from the US west coast!

    Welcome to Test Squadron! If you haven't already done so, check out our Discord.
  12. Halvix

    I am NEW I donno what to dooo!!

    Welcome to TEST! Join up on our Discord and I'm sure somebody can help you get started. If new Kirk, which new Kirk? Newer movies or Strange New Worlds Kirk?
  13. Halvix


    No shortage of shenanigans here. Welcome to Test Squardon! Jump into Discord to find others to play with.
  14. Halvix

    Hey lets have a fleet post eh?

    My current fleet
  15. Halvix

    Hello everyone, glad to be here.

    Welcome to TEST! You'll find most of our active members hanging out on our Discord, as well as news and information about current events.
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