Recent content by Laramos

  1. Laramos

    3.19 mining changes detailed in ISC

    I hope so, I have the orion, and would love to take it out and make small moons into rubble. Get a lot of crew to assist.
  2. Laramos

    Goals! We got em! - Week 1 - 4.7 Mil Reached! - Done!

    long daymar mining, just gave up at the end
  3. Laramos

    Goals! We got em! - Week 1 - 4.7 Mil Reached! - Done!

    You under estimate my ability to do mindless tasks for hours on end. I work in tech
  4. Laramos

    Goals! We got em! - Week 1 - 4.7 Mil Reached! - Done!

    largest 100% rock i have run into.
  5. Laramos

    Hercules military transport

    I just bought A2 model with a tank. They need to stop having these sales, it is bad on my wallet.
  6. Laramos

    WIN Overwatch Beta early access!!!!!

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