Recent content by Mikaleon

  1. Mikaleon

    Why Canadians may buy the Arrow.

    We almost produced a fighter Jet of our own called the Avro Arrow. View: We had a succesful prototype. But funding stopped due to politics and lack of funding. Now if you want to see the frame for the jet you need to visit the Canadian Aviation and Space museum...
  2. Mikaleon

    First landing on Hurston by Test Squadron, ends predicatively.

    View: Thanks to Testies Ethreck, Humma_Kavula and NBT for making the 3-4 hour long trip.
  3. Mikaleon

    Saber Raven Giveaway Contest Thread - Winner announced! It's Crichten!

    Thanks for making this contest!
  4. Mikaleon

    If it fits, I ships.

    If it fits, I ships.
  5. Mikaleon

    Transport TEST Logistics Corps - All your Hauling & Transport Needs

    Just added a : Hull B & Herald to my fleet. Whether data or goods, it will be moved!
  6. Mikaleon

    Canada in Mourning - A small tribute to Gord Downie

    Even during 2016?
  7. Mikaleon

    Canada in Mourning - A small tribute to Gord Downie

    We will miss him. Here is the CBC report for on the legend for everyone : View: He was a living treasure to our nation, good night Sir, you've earned your rest.
  8. Mikaleon

    Transport TEST Logistics Corps - All your Hauling & Transport Needs

    If I had 1000 credits for another Commlink quest, i'd be...... 25, 000 credits richer! I still think this is enough.
  9. Mikaleon

    Transport TEST Logistics Corps - All your Hauling & Transport Needs

    So we finally get cargo in 3.0, I can't wait to start trading in my Freelancer. Anybody else is ready for space trucking?
  10. Mikaleon

    o7 From North Carolina

    Spotted the Eve-online player?
  11. Mikaleon

    Hello from the bottom of my case of Guinness!

    I officially provide honourary Canadian status.
  12. Mikaleon

    Back into the fray!

    He says we are a good group.... He must be a SPY!!! Quick, convert him with BEER!
  13. Mikaleon

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    If tuesday is the last day of my work week...... is it Friday?
  14. Mikaleon

    New here, Like to say Hello

  15. Mikaleon

    Oh! I made it in to the This week in Star Citizen!

    I wish you many conga....rats!
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