Recent content by Milkman

  1. Milkman

    No space priesting allowed D:

    You can always park your ship in the path of incoming missiles and bullets. Seems like a good compromise to me.
  2. Milkman

    It's 4:30, time for milking!

    Haha love Wilfred. PS - There's plenty types of milking out there! It's up to you to find them all!
  3. Milkman

    Multi-person ships question

    Am planning on obtaining some in game. Til then I'd be happy to join in as crew!
  4. Milkman

    Suggestion for possible Jump Point names!
  5. Milkman

    It's 4:30, time for milking!

    Would love to join you guys for SSS but 6am on Sunday mornings doesn't really work for me. Weird... But keen to join in on other sessions if you hold them at different times!
  6. Milkman

    It's 4:30, time for milking!

    Where you from? Sydney, Australia What drew you to Star Citizen? Been looking out for a space game like this for a while. Also purrty spaceships. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Exploring the depths of space and cruising in some bootiful ships...
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