Mudhawk's latest activity

  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Bambooza's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with o7 o7.
    Today wasn't so bad. While the server was laggy I was able to play for a few hours with out a crash. Ended up doing the stanton cargo...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Richard Bong's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with Thump Thump.
    The December build is, as usual, a completely shit build. It isn't just the crashes, but the inventory database is also complete shit.
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Talonsbane's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with o7 o7.
    Because of all the stories I've heard about how bugged & glitched 4.0 has been so far, I've been choosing to TEST things out in the...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Daak Gelrin's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with Thump Thump.
    I couldn't even log in for a few days with a 60k. Then after that got resolved I had a 30009 error that hit, so no logging in for a...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Aramsolari's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with Like Like.
    It's kinda expected for such a big patch. I'm sure they'll break less for the 4.01!
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to BUTUZ's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with Thump Thump.
    Your not wrong it is prerry darn unplayable.
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Bambooza's post in the thread Wee 4.0 with o7 o7.
    So after a bit of a hiatus and have just recently finished stalker2 I've found myself updating and logging into sc. While it is nice...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Talonsbane's post in the thread test rules for piracy? with o7 o7.
    My whisky? A C2 can only transport so much cargo & I suspect that many times my C2 cargo hold will be full of various forms of alcohol...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk replied to the thread test rules for piracy?.
    So the leader has spoken. So it will be done. We are likely to TEST pretty much everything. So at some point there has to be some form...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Aramsolari's post in the thread test rules for piracy? with Like Like.
    Your whisky....duh.
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Talonsbane's post in the thread test rules for piracy? with Like Like.
    Only 3 bottles of whiskey? What's everybody else going to enjoy drinking on that trip to the grocery store? Cheers!
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Han Burgundy's post in the thread test rules for piracy? with Glorious Glorious.
    Rule 1: Always "Yo" before you "Ho" Rule 2: All hook hands are to be removed before entering the poopdeck. This is for worker safety...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Sky Captain's post in the thread test rules for piracy? with Glorious Glorious.
    Is it still called 'piracy' if TEST owns Pyro? :-)
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Richard Bong's post in the thread test rules for piracy? with Love Love.
    Just be prepared to hear, "Reclamation Agents, DuckforceOne, you've been locked and served."
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to NaffNaffBobFace's post in the thread test rules for piracy? with o7 o7.
    Currently TEST has sub-divisions in waiting, the current most active the Rock Raiders mining division which used to be fairly active...
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