Mudhawk's latest activity

  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Ayeteeone's post in the thread AMD tags Star Citizen with Glorious Glorious.
    For the RDNA 4/RX 9000 Reveal this morning, AMD popped a short clip of Star Citizen in relation to it's 'Hyper-RX' technology. I'm...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk replied to the thread New Patch, new crippling bugs.
    Can't say that I do not feel with you. Seems like yesterday the servers degraded and the fix they found was waiting for the maintenance...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Wolfy's post in the thread New Patch, new crippling bugs with Like Like.
    I've taken a break from trying the event, just been gathering salvage to turn in when it's a little less buggy
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to LurchLord's post in the thread New Patch, new crippling bugs with o7 o7.
    Found a group to do the event thingie with. Fully crewed Polaris. Went to get the McGuffington or whatever the stuff in Pyro is called...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to BUTUZ's post in the thread New Patch, new crippling bugs with Like Like.
    It looks worse than ever. I think I will give it 3 months. (mind you i've been saying that for the last 2 years)
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Randson's post in the thread New Patch, new crippling bugs with Like Like.
    I was wondering that the workaround for this was! Was present in last patch for me as well. Would Refill and seemingly as soon as id...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Montoya's post in the thread New Patch, new crippling bugs with o7 o7.
    lol I both love and hate how complicated this game can get.
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to LurchLord's post in the thread New Patch, new crippling bugs with o7 o7.
    Just so you don't end up in the middle of buttfuck nowhere with an empty tank. Whenever you refuel your ship, you absolutely must store...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk replied to the thread Eggs.
    Best food I had in the UK was a cake called "Death by Chocolate". Aptly named too I'd say. Chocolate splitters in a cocoa infused dough...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Aramsolari's post in the thread Eggs with Love Love. food I had when I was in the was in the UK years ago was Indian food in East London. A nice lamb Biryani from some place off...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to Yex's post in the thread Eggs with Love Love.
    No one's really lived until they've tried my 3 day roasted beef. Hard to explain what condensing 10litres of beer & leg over the stove...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk replied to the thread Eggs.
    That's a bit of ingrained memory. All you know is "No Egg, no big gulp of old fashioned Whiskey". And off you all go tumblin'... And...
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to GPcustoms's post in the thread Eggs with Like Like.
    One or two shots and I can understand almost all dialects.... :drunk:
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to NaffNaffBobFace's post in the thread Eggs with o7 o7.
    With ingenuity like this you can see why the Romans had to build Hadrian’s Wall to keep them at bay.
  • Mudhawk
    Mudhawk reacted to NomadicHavoc's post in the thread Eggs with o7 o7.
    Just looked up how to make scotch eggs. My brothers and sisters across the pond are genius! The most innovative use of a fryer that my...
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