Recent content by Radegast74

  1. Radegast74

    MISC Fortune

    Woo-hoo! $800 million power wash simulator!
  2. Radegast74

    PC Build - Help Requested

    I read a good article about the rumors swirling over the 5090 power requirements: Looks like we will potentially need a new generation of motherboards at some point, just to meet the power requirements for these newer video cards...
  3. Radegast74

    Stupid Question, How do I use my EMP now? Solved. Thanks.

    People really need to be more aware of this. I have pulled ships out of storage and tried to fly, only to have no power allocated to the engines. Also, I'll be flying ok, quantum, antd when I come out of quantum all of a sudden POOF no power is allocated to the engines. More strange CIG...
  4. Radegast74

    Anvil Paladin Q&A

    They avoided all the hard (read: "spicy") I expected.
  5. Radegast74

    4.0 preview runs so smooth

    Well, I got in, spawned a shi, and the hangar doors wouldn't open...the other ship stuck in the hangar doors was a warning, but, even gunning it I couldn't get out. Typical CIG Christmas Broke AF patch....
  6. Radegast74

    4.0 preview runs so smooth

    That's great to hear! btw, I noticed you didn't mention anything about gameplay? lol
  7. Radegast74

    Please don't make 4.0 live.....Please?

    ^ This, exactly. Year after year, the Christmas patch is broke AF.
  8. Radegast74

    Fell down a Dune rabbit hole on YT

    Yes, the *entire* 3 hour movie. They had a BS "fair-use" copyright thing there...I believe that if the studio wanted it taken down, they could & would, but that both Google and the studio make money off it, so they don't bother...for now, at least.
  9. Radegast74

    Fell down a Dune rabbit hole on YT

    I had no idea fans had re-edited the original (and still the best!) Dune ... if you search for "dune spicediver redux" you will find this (and a whole lot more): View:
  10. Radegast74

    Anvil Paladin Q&A

    Regarding the Corsair, I thought it was OP from the start, so I was not surprised by the (eventual, if not late) nerfhammer. With the Redeemer, I was a bit surprised... ...but then when they came out with the Paladin immediately after the Redeemer nerf, let's just say it smells really, really bad.
  11. Radegast74

    Anvil Paladin Q&A

    CIG has the usual Spectrum thread asking for questions. So far, the questions are a little spicy!
  12. Radegast74

    The Paladin

    Best thing I've seen about the Paladin: View:
  13. Radegast74

    When CIG raises the price of a ship does it affect my buyback price?

    on top of what @Thalstan said, I would (at this point) recommend *not* buying any ships, unless you absolutely know you are going to fly it now and in the future. The game (SQ42 at least) has been developed (pretty much). It is going to get released, and SC is (eventually) going to be released...
  14. Radegast74

    Feel like I have been flying blind

    lmao, I just found out that the lead/lag pips option is now on the "Gunner MFD". Finding out basic gameplay elements is turning into an Easter Egg hunt.
  15. Radegast74

    Corsair nerf incoming

    100% the nerf is because of a shiny new ship coming in at CitCon....and at the same price lol. To the person posting on YT or Reddit on the video, no, the new ship doesn't have to be $5 less than the Corsair, since there are no more $0 CCU's, lol. The sad part is, the whining and crying is...
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