Recent content by RedDevil

  1. RedDevil

    Should I upgrade the Titan to Skirmisher for free

    Thanks for the info Shadow, but my Titan is a game package does not have LTI.
  2. RedDevil

    Should I upgrade the Titan to Skirmisher for free

    I previously got the free 315p to Reliant Skirmisher Upgrade and Titan Module to Reliant Upgrade and today got the Reliant to 315p Upgrade therefore I could upgrade my titan to Reliant > 315p > Skirmisher. So I theoretically could upgrade to any of the 3 ships, should I upgrade the titan to one...
  3. RedDevil

    Chen got hit by a car

    Good to hear you are ok Chen, don't let him intimidate you like Owl said, if he swerved into you that's on him.
  4. RedDevil

    Test Division - Division Testies

    The Division is so much fun. uplay: RedDevil_7 Feel free to add me
  5. RedDevil

    Happy New Years TESTIES!!!!

    Happy New Year Testies!
  6. RedDevil

    Christmas sale indecision.

  7. RedDevil

    Sorry for a delayed SOTS, been busy with holiday stuff!

    where is it? All jokes aside, Merry Christmas to everyone, have a fun and safe holidays!
  8. RedDevil

    December 2015 giveaway! A cool TEST Desk Mat!

    Is that a ship model in your pocket...
  9. RedDevil

    Anniversary Sale - Shameful Purchases Thread(Altar of Roberts)

    I got 2 P-72 Archimedes maybe pick up another if I cant decide which ship to get, i am trying to decide between Banu Merchantman, Phoenix, Carrack, Vanguard or a freelancer for Exploring/Pirating, any help will be much appreciated, to be fair i don't want to spend too much but i can be convinced
  10. RedDevil

    WTS some ships

    wow I have always wanted a phoenix. Great prices, I just can't afford any right now.
  11. RedDevil

    Secret joys of Fatherhood #2

    I put my 2 year old on the bouncy castle and she didn't like it at the beginning so I was like, ohh let me come and take you off this thing... then I got to take her down this massive slide, so much fun.
  12. RedDevil

    Help me spend my money...Poll included.

    I'm trying to decide which freelancer to get also, I have been tossing up between the DUR and MAX, but the MIS might be on sale during the Anniversary sale so now I'm even more confused which to go for.
  13. RedDevil

    November giveaway! Mustang Beta!

    Black Flag is so intriguing, its got it all, exploring the verse and striking fear on unsuspecting citizens, hauling stolen goods around galaxies and being a pirate is so much fun,
  14. RedDevil

    Become Human

    this is Ex Machina the game
  15. RedDevil

    October Merlin P-52 giveaway! (TEST main members only!)

    CitizenX is honest
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