Recent content by SiameseDwerg

  1. SiameseDwerg

    What is your current fleet?

    I only own a Mustang Alpha :p Ill buy the rest i need with in game currency :) I am far to skeptical to spend more money for an Alpha, perhaps 2.6 will make me buy a Freelancer :D
  2. SiameseDwerg

    Montoya goes to CitizenCon 2016

    Awesome video :)
  3. SiameseDwerg

    Now that...

    Well if the game keeps progressing and a potential release is near (2018) i might go :)
  4. SiameseDwerg

    Sample TEST hats have arrived!

    They both look good! Why do we have to make this hard choices Montoya, or shall i get both? :)
  5. SiameseDwerg

    Streaming Setups

    I stream now and then and only using a single pc. And it works fine, i have not tried a dual pc setup because i do not feel the need to. Maybe when you actually become a bigger streamer and get partnered a dual pc setup would be more efficient, specially with lots of CLR plugins running :)...
  6. SiameseDwerg

    Hey hey o7

    Where you from stranger? I am from the Netherlands. What drew you to Star Citizen? Been following this game since start but it is time to join the verse! What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Exploration, crafting some SWG pre CU maybe? :P What was the...
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