Recent content by Talonsbane

  1. Talonsbane

    They finally released a new ship size comparison chart

    That's a glorious wallpaper. Almost makes me wish it was around back in the day when PC sleep modes would have those wandering & magnifying bubbles over an image to save the screen from burn in.
  2. Talonsbane

    Wee 4.0

    This was my understanding as well, though the caveat would also including a player's personal / instanced hangar. My suggestion, would be to choose a place that you can refuel at, pick a spot to head towards in that locations general direction, stop at some point in between, then head towards...
  3. Talonsbane

    UK newspaper article on SC from today EDIT - over a week ago

    Ok, so to be honest, I went into this article mostly expecting yet another media hit piece. Mainly because that has primarily become the standard. However, I have to admit, I think that they were actually fair about things, while also spreading the word about Star Citizen & Squadron 42.
  4. Talonsbane

    Wee 4.0

    At this point, we all know that SC has an issue with trolls & griefers, that the base of their existence is to ruin the experiences of as many others as possible. So of course they're going to target anything they can that can't fight back or defend itself, but the moment the same happens to...
  5. Talonsbane

    More Milla

    I have to completely agree with ALL of this above statement.
  6. Talonsbane

    More Milla

    Looks like a fun date movie.
  7. Talonsbane

    The Theory of " FAT FURY "

    You're probably correct in that it could be the MISC Fortune. I myself was basically stopped with it probably being industrial in nature based on the usage of the orange paneling, which would mostly place it in either MISC or ARGO fleets.
  8. Talonsbane

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    No, that's where I'm borderline selfish / greedy at this point. If they don't have anything worth subscribing for, I skip that month. If I change my mind, I can always either subscribe that month or go back to pick the item up when they offer something worth subscribing for.
  9. Talonsbane

    Drone Theories

  10. Talonsbane

    Drone Theories

    I agree. Though my long time theory is that it seems most of the time patents that are military or weapons based rarely show up until after being declassified, which usually doesn't happen until that tech is so common knowledge that it's pointless for others to learn about it because they've...
  11. Talonsbane

    The Theory of " FAT FURY "

    Too obscure to know what it is, but based on the orange, I'm guessing it might be industrial in nature.
  12. Talonsbane

    Upcoming Subscriber Flairs (Updated regularly)

    Perhaps they want to help us make our personal hangars feel more home like, though the thrusters of our ships entering might be problematic for those items that might get knocked over. Oops
  13. Talonsbane

    Wee 4.0

    Because of all the stories I've heard about how bugged & glitched 4.0 has been so far, I've been choosing to TEST things out in the current live build, happily burning my built up aUEC while I have it to dispose of in Stanton.
  14. Talonsbane

    Drone Theories

    I get the feeling that this tech might be being held back from regular civilian knowledge for numerous reason, predominantly that once out, people will want to get their hands on it. There's a LOT of people that are horrible enough drivers on the ground, they'd be absolute nightmares in the skies.
  15. Talonsbane

    test rules for piracy?

    This is why, should I ever engage in "piracy", I'll be doing so by challenging them to winner take all there to battles of TESTification. This way, we all have fun win or lose, nothing is forced on them nor forcibly taken from them & the only "retaliation" they'll be seeking is a rematch...
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