Recent content by Techfixer

  1. Techfixer

    WTB CCUed Carrack BIS 2950 LTI

    The information I received was that I bought the last one...
  2. Techfixer

    WTB CCUed Carrack BIS 2950 LTI

    Correct I got the CCU (not the ship). Time to upgrade now. Will keep it giftable just in case :)
  3. Techfixer

    WTB CCUed Carrack BIS 2950 LTI

  4. Techfixer

    WTB CCUed Carrack BIS 2950 LTI

    Hello. I want to buy the CCUed Carrack BIS 2950 LTI (or the CCU itself). Please DM your offers.
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