Recent content by Vash

  1. Vash

    Test mouse confirmed!

    I'll just leave this here for you guys (I'm not selling it) Just saw it on Amazon
  2. Vash

    Initial plans for PU?

    1 - Do a Barrel roll. 2 - Do 2 barrel rolls 3 - Moarr barrel rolls 4 - Find an asteroid field when spining like a record 5 - Regret my decision to do Barrel rolls
  3. Vash

    Behold the Test Raptor Gentleman

    Behold the Test Raptor Gentleman
  4. Vash

    We are not in Kansas anymore kids

    We are not in Kansas anymore kids
  5. Vash

    We are in home chewie

    Nailed it
  6. Vash

    We are in home chewie

  7. Vash

    "Did you mean: Darude - Sandstorm?"

    "Did you mean: Darude - Sandstorm?"
  8. Vash

    I'll start to streaming chess

    I'll start to streaming chess
  9. Vash

    Hiello from Thiago aka: Asdrubal

    You gave up to be a stormtrooper when you bebame a Test Cheers!
  10. Vash

    For when we have to use words...

    I can do it (I barely speak english) I'm almost a peacemaker
  11. Vash


  12. Vash

    time to try here we go AC 1.1

    time to try here we go AC 1.1
  13. Vash

    Hiello from Thiago aka: Asdrubal

    Olá amigo! Welcome! join in mumble to talk with us and we have more brazillian members :)
  14. Vash

    REC Is now live!

    I'll try to try
  15. Vash

    How much of your beer fund have you spent on this game?

    $80... Beer and alcohol comes first PS: BEHOLD THE WORST ENEMY OF THE GALAXY
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