Recent content by Vavrik

  1. Vavrik

    Good hello

    Welcome to Test!
  2. Vavrik

    PC Build - Help Requested

    1. Welcome to Test. 2. I wonder if you own an Aurora. Cough. 3. Grey Poupon isn't all that fancy, though if you need your sinus cavities cleaned out, it's a fair bet. 4. I was just a kid, but I can remember the Argus. Try us in Discord too, if you haven't yet. Usually a bunch around.
  3. Vavrik


    Welcome to Test, neighbor! Sorry, I'm late again as usual.
  4. Vavrik

    Shit new applicants are saying

    Fixed that for you, otherwise you would be at least 75% right, and it would not be worth betting against. Oh yeah... Welcome to TEST Mejiha!
  5. Vavrik

    New Member

    Welcome to Test! Yes, the 30K's are annoying but that happens when a game is still in development. Hop into Discord and say Hi sometime. It can help to deal with the game's foibles. There are also events happening there that can give you a feel for what to expect for various professions.
  6. Vavrik

    Shit new applicants are saying

    So they left Manchester and had a 3 hour flight next door to Ireland? By "airplane" did he mean biplane?
  7. Vavrik

    State of the Squadron 56

    That explains why there have been so many new faces in Discord... Glorious!
  8. Vavrik

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    No, no. Don't panic, it's just an IPA.
  9. Vavrik

    Please don't like my thread-campaign

    That is true, but almost implies that there are bad days for beer. I can't think of a bad day for beer, unless you just got home from the dentist and your mouth is frozen. That's only because you end up drooling it till the freezing wears off.
  10. Vavrik

    Montoya Reacts to Star Citizen End Game

    Huge massive stations over our cities... or whatever we build. Going to take a little while even for us to get to that point, but @Montoya we don't have a shortage of Pioneers.
  11. Vavrik


    Naw. Problem is solved, and I already own a C2.
  12. Vavrik


    CIG has been playing that game with us for years. Just sayin.
  13. Vavrik

    The definition of a few minutes...

    No doubt. lol. I just posted the issue because CIG has confirmed it and there's enough evidence it's still a problem. Maybe they'll actually fix it this time? Long shot I know but you can always hope. Or at least every now and then you can hope.
  14. Vavrik

    The definition of a few minutes...

    Yeah, but it would be faster if you did a character repair. If you do that, wait the full 15 minutes before trying to log in again - otherwise you might have some inventory problems. Also: This is a confirmed issue...
  15. Vavrik


    Spent 1/2 of yesterday trying to fix my cargo problem on the Zeus CL. Could only get 120 SCU of cargo on it, then it seemed to run out of room to work. Then I watched this video... problem solved. View:
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