Recent content by Wolfy

  1. Wolfy

    Fast way to finish the Pyro resupply missions.

    Wifey and I figured out we can sit at obituary with a salvage ship and purchase the contracted wrecks around there, salvage them, then just cycle-and-abandon the small Salvage Resupply missions until we get the ones for obituary. Nice and easy, you just keep a stockpile of the materials in your...
  2. Wolfy

    New Patch, new crippling bugs

    I've taken a break from trying the event, just been gathering salvage to turn in when it's a little less buggy
  3. Wolfy

    Dune: Awakening

    It's not in Early Access, there is a character builder on the steam page, as well as a benchmark tool. The game is getting a full release on May 20th.
  4. Wolfy

    Dune: Awakening

    You don't choose a "race" per-say, you choose the planet you come from, your upbringing, and your mentor. Those choices affect your starting ability, special dialogue options, and stats.
  5. Wolfy

    Dune: Awakening

    I've been waiting for a few years to see this come out, looks like it's planned to release on May 20th! Already made my character :3
  6. Wolfy

    Sleeping Dogs

    One of my favorite games, it's truly fantastic.
  7. Wolfy

    New flight suits

    It was truly designed for me :3
  8. Wolfy

    Losing the faith

    I really don't think it's worth putting money/time into a project you have doubts on or just are not having fun with. This is a hobby, it's okay to take a break from hobbies and come back when you feel it's worthwhile to invest time in.
  9. Wolfy

    New flight suits

    The pink one is fantastic :D
  10. Wolfy

    Good hello

    Welcome! :3
  11. Wolfy

    WTB C1 Spirit "Olympia" Paint

    It was one of three limited-sale concept skins they did for the Spirit ship variants.
  12. Wolfy

    WTB C1 Spirit "Olympia" Paint

    Yep, it was the concierge skin from the concept sale.
  13. Wolfy

    WTB C1 Spirit "Olympia" Paint

    Honestly, not even sure if you can trade this one since it's a concierge paint. I could have sworn I had it but don't see it in my buyback menu or my hangar. If anyone has one I would love to own it again. Ty :3
  14. Wolfy

    Fight for (dummies) in Pyro

    I finished up the Frontier Fighters mission. The fuel one can be kinda tricky, just gotta try your best not to aggro the asteroids turrets or abandon the mission till you get a planetary outpost one, which are laughably easy.
  15. Wolfy

    MISC Fortune

    I have been using the Fortune. While I like stripping components, I have kinda limited time/energy to play and having the gameplay be a lot smoother without having to climb down the Vulture's ladder all the time is a really big plus.
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