Recent content by Zierk

  1. Zierk

    Multi-person ships question

    I got a connie, will need some gunners :D
  2. Zierk

    Simple signature banner for the RSI forums

    Very nice, we could take it a step further and personalize it as well!
  3. Zierk

    MINECRAFT!!! S.S.S. Week 8 | 22/2/2014

    Oooo I'm gonna have to get in on this action. <3 Minecraft!
  4. Zierk

    Hello Everyone!

    Where you from stranger? Virginia, USA What drew you to Star Citizen? Space Sim, former EVE player and I <3 Space Sims! What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) PVP, Piracy, Awesome Combat, Economics What was the first game you remember playing? Duck Hunt/Super...
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