Officer Record Aramil Lorrathain


Nov 23, 2016
RSI Handle
Officer Record


Name: Aramil Lorrathain

Rank: Support/Tactical

Joined: 23/11/2216

Security Clearance: *Redacted*


Born in transit on a multi jump route and never left until adulthood.(incident report 456a)
A Freelance Pilot, running support and tactical aid to the highest bidder (although for reasons included in incident 456a), within moral and personal bounderies.
Joined TEST as a means of expanding logistical and technical capability.

Commanders Notes:
Very capable tactical officer, with good situational awareness, willing to stand his ground over what he believes, which can bring him into conflict with some supperior officers.

Sharp, even though he likes to hide this from others using whit and humour.

Capable enough with both a flight stick and personnal weapons.

Medical Report

Blood type: O-

Height: 1,80m

Age: 41

Sex: Male

Sobriety: Has been known to partake in a few.

Fitness Grade: C

Mental Fitness: A

May not follow orders as per "incident 456a"
May completely ignore tactical plans placed by a supperior officer, with (admittedly) better plans and has the abillity to bring the rest of his team with him.

Disciplinary Notes:
Disciplined on 24 occassions for "combat landings" (BSG style) causing landing gear and pad damage.
Disciplined on 11 occassions for "ignoring a supperiors orders"
Temporary suspension for "spacing" (in a spacesuit) an observer just before an active op, "because he was loud and bullish, and not needed for the OP"
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