Fipper's introduction


Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
Sup d00ds, I'm Flipper. You can call me Flipper, FlipperT (pronounced FlipperTee), or even Noah if you're one of those weird people from the Real World. As you see below, I can be painfully verbose.

Where you from stranger?

Born and raised in the US of A, more specifically in the northeastern part we call New England. After spending a month in Florida earlier this fall, I can say that if I died here in NE without living anywhere else I'd be okay with that. Four seasons, rolling hills covered in trees that have actual leaves, and being able to walk to places is so, so under appreciated.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
EVE Online with first-person, cockpit-view twitch combat? Lordy, lordy, sign me up. I've been following EVE in some capacity for years, though I never actually played it in any real capacity. There's a few reasons for that, the main one being that after almost a year of hardcore World of Warcraft raiding (post-Ulduar through ICC to the release of Cata, god damn that tournament shit was bad) I wasn't too keen on getting quite that involved in a game again. Regardless, the intrigue and, well, everything of EVE has always interested me. Except, that is, the whole "click orbit and watch your guns fire" combat, which is a terrible oversimplification of an extremely complex and layered combat system unless you're a total newbro like I was. When I saw the initial crowdfunding campaign launch for Star Citizen, I was instantly hooked. I think my pledge is from somewhere around October of 2012, when I pledged via Kickstarter because I wasn't really sure if I trusted the RSI website or not. I can proudly say (I think, at least I'm pretty sure) that I backed before we hit the initial $2 million mark. Maybe. I know I was there when it hit $6 million. I think.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
PVP. For some reason every single game I play (except for WoW) --whether it be Dungeons & Dragons, MMORPG, RPG, FPSRPG, MMOFPS, you name it-- my favorite character will be a rogue of some type. The only reason WoW is an exception is because I never had any interest in leveling a rogue, even though I had ~6 level 80s when I quit. If I ever actually get into EVE, I'll be flying Stealth Bombers and Interceptors. If Star Citizen ever gets released, I'll be fitting an M50 with a stealth kit and calling it "Invisible Mosquito", loading torpedoes onto a Ghost Hornet and ambushing whoever it is I end up fighting, or grabbing a buddy and hopping into a stealth-fitted Gladiator to torpedo and bomb the shit out of some enemy formations. Oh, and lots of suicidal Aurora flying. Suicidal Auroras and stealth bombing seem to go hand-in-hand, actually. I'm also watching EVE Valkyrie's progress with great interest.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Geneforge. Then Runescape. Then WoW. I've always been something of a fantasy nut, as well as a science fiction buff so there's some original Star Wars: Battlefront and the like in there as well. Growing up with Apple computers and no consoles somewhat limited my options, sadly, but I made do.

What other games do you play?
None right now, actually. My desktop computer is lying in pieces on my bedroom floor and until I actually have my life in order I mean to keep it that way. If that's confusing, there's a simple explanation: I'm currently trying to find part-time work and eventually enroll at a local community college, so until I have my feet back under me I'd rather not risk addicting myself to any games like I've done with World of Warcraft, Starcraft 2, and then Dota 2 in the past. I have something of an obsessive personality, so it's a real risk I face. I had somewhere around 1,500+ hours of Dota 2 logged when I quit, and when divided by how many months I had been playing came perilously close to 30-40 hours per week. If you're wondering why I'm getting involved in TEST Corps and stuff, the reason is basically that gaming does have a place in my life (once I get it sorted out), but hopefully on a slightly more casual and 'fun-orientated' basis. TEST Corps seems like the right group of people for that.

Picard or Kirk?
Kirk. My parents grew up with the original Star Trek and we have the complete series on DVD. Haven't watched much of it, though, to be honest.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I got into stealth bombers in Eve as soon as I had it trained.

Then I got popped and lost the ship which was heartbreaking because I worked so hard for it! lol

I'm currently trying to find part-time work and eventually enroll at a local community college....I have something of an obsessive personality,
Well, that is not good!

You have exactly 1.5yrs to get the former rolling. The last thing we need is for SC to be taking up your time when you should be studying.

Ill blow you out of the skies myself if I find you in fleet the night before an exam! :D


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Four seasons, rolling hills covered in trees that have actual leaves, and being able to walk to places is so, so under appreciated.

I think my pledge is from somewhere around October of 2012
Thank you for helping to Kickstart Star Citizen. July, 2013 here.

I'm currently trying to find part-time work and eventually enroll at a local community college, so until I have my feet back under me I'd rather not risk addicting myself to any games
on a slightly more casual and 'fun-orientated' basis. TEST Corps seems like the right group of people for that.
Well, I like you already.......
I wish you well in finding employment & with enrollment in college.
You have indeed found the 'home' in the 'Verse that you seek.

Yes, this was originally posted in 2013, however I just discovered it.
Hopefully, by now you have gainful employment, your PC is up & running & you have graduated from college.
If so, Congratulations --- Well done........


Please click this link & UPVOTE Test Squadron. Thanks.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST SQUADRON.... ...... mmm.....
.... so 4 years after the OP... post was made :eyes: but what the heck we're not picky in TEST....
CHEERS any ways !!

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