Industry Salvage & Rebuilding


Jan 12, 2018
RSI Handle
So something crossed my mind when I've been looking at the Reclaimer. I'm curious how people think the salvage mechanics are going to be working instead of just crushing ships, and taking the best parts, or selling coordinates of Capital ships like an Idris.

I've been wondering if any of you guys think there might be a mechanic based on rebuilding a ship or being able to tow something with the parts you get from a Reclaimer, and mostly because I've been thinking if I want to pick a Reclaimer up I don't want to much rare hulls down to basic metal scrap of say a Vanduul Blade and get the same metal scrap if I had munched a Hornet.

Do you guys think there will be be more efficient ways of recovering ships instead of flying into a place, and then making someone in the Reclaimer get out and fly it back home? Or what are speculations on the possibility of rebuilding ships you scan, and then harvest for rare materials like a Blade are?

I don't know. It'd be pretty cool if you could hunt down rare ships, and then be able to take these rare or exotic ships back to a black market, or preserve them for other members in TEST, or to build on your personal fleet. Or if you think another ship fits that role better of keeping rare ships what might it be?


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Obviously its all subject to change but there are somethings we have been told. "Valuable" bits can be found on wrecks for example upgrade parts or even whole engines weopons who knows. I assume the drones on the reclaimer will be used to extract those bits. (note you have to scan wrecks to locate "valuable". The reclaimer then uses its claw and mashers to effectively reduce the rest to raw component parts.

Clearly there are ships with the purpose of repairing ships and this uses materials (crucible and Vulcan). There is no knowledge yet whether there will be cross purpose i.e. cruicible salvage and reclaimer repair (it has drones like the Vulcan), but so far if you could own the one ship rather than two it would cut down on sales so I suspect overlap will be minor or much later in the process so as to not affect the mullah!

There is also so far no actually tug ship. So ships can carry other ships of course.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
They also said that so long as the hull is not destroyed that ships can be repaired and recovered. But I think most of the time recovery options will be to strip the component parts out of military ships and then reclaim the hull for scrap.
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Feb 20, 2018
RSI Handle
I'm wondering if the "in game" wrecks that are scattered around will be open to salvage once. If so, it would be handy to have a list made up (I'm new so I only know of the pieces floating by Grim Hex and something big on the ground that people put up on YouTube.

It would be fun to Frankenstein a ship together, but hard to come up with a good name!

May I suggest:


Jan 12, 2018
RSI Handle
Makes you wonder if there will be a tug ship announced later! Though it is also interesting to hear that if the hull is reclaimed then you can potentially rebuild the ship, because that makes it a lot more valuable when you find the hull of a rare ship that might have no wings or something or if other parts of it have been separated from the main compartment.
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