F7A being sold with in-game quest, Hornet F7C F7A MKII


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
From the research I've done, it's not that difficult to complete the missions required to get the F7A upgrade token. Anyone who's interested and able to log on should be able to get it.

Now whether you want to set aside the funds to have a F7C in your stable is a whole different story.
I was mostly trolling, I had no clue if it was or not and don't really care to be honest, but thank you for the genuine info!
I might attempt it myself, even though I don't have the money currently, just to have something new to do in the verse.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Self referral??? What is that?
It's when CIG is offering a referral bonus so you make an alt with your referral code, then purchase the required amount ($45 was it?) on that account for it to count. 30 days (the cooldown period) later, you gift the stuff you bought on the alt to your main. This way, if you were going to buy something anyhow, you'll get that referral bonus as well. Good for you and good for CIG, as whatever you buy on the alt is obviously fresh money.

Won't contribute towards concierge levels though. But the referral bonuses are arguably much better anyhow.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
From the research I've done, it's not that difficult to complete the missions required to get the F7A upgrade token. Anyone who's interested and able to log on should be able to get it.

Now whether you want to set aside the funds to have a F7C in your stable is a whole different story.
You can get a MKII started by picking up a $5 Sabre to MKII CCU token, then using the CCU dance, see how cheaply you can make it. This is my plan. I'm thinking of using a MULE or Cutter with LTI as the base for mine as I have a few of their tokens hanging out in my hangar. I think it will be hilarious to help fight & eliminate other ships in a dogfight, using a ship that started its existence as a humble MULE. Talk about leveling up. LoL I'd use my referral ARGO Cargo, but as I'm hoping to eventually pick up an Idris at some point, that might come in handy for that. Otherwise that would be an even more hilarious upgrade path.

One thing I really love about the MkI that they didn't keep with the MKII is the canopy. Too bad.
Honestly, I'm liking the look of the MKII better than the MKI, though I wish they'd have continued further with the rounding of the lines in areas like the intakes & made the cockpit canopy have less struts if not strut free.


Space Marshal
Aug 14, 2017
RSI Handle
What is it you're planning to use the back seat for on the CM?
Did you buy the Super Hornet outright or is it part of a CCU chain?
I wanted to use the back sear in a few capacities, which I remember CIG said the backseat could be used in, apart from having another player to operate the turret: bounty transportation (as you should be able to put a special seat to strap bounties into), an extra weapon/armor locker (you should be able to swap the backseat for the locker).

I bought the F7C-M outright.
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I wanted to use the back sear in a few capacities, which I remember CIG said the backseat could be used in, apart from having another player to operate the turret: bounty transportation (as you should be able to put a special seat to strap bounties into), an extra weapon/armor locker (you should be able to swap the backseat for the locker).

I bought the F7C-M outright.
With those answers, my recommendation is to sit tight and be patient. I don't see CIG not building a CS, CR and CM version of the MKII, since they can make money on it.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Honestly, I'm liking the look of the MKII better than the MKI, though I wish they'd have continued further with the rounding of the lines in areas like the intakes & made the cockpit canopy have less struts if not strut free.
I agree, but I just prefer the way the canopy opens on the Mark I.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Truth be told, the more I look at the Hornets, especially the MKII, the more their front ends remind me of the Vipers from Battlestar Galactica to some degree.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Meh it's just another useless hornet variation to relieve you of your money that no one will fly in game.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Truth be told, the more I look at the Hornets, especially the MKII, the more their front ends remind me of the Vipers from Battlestar Galactica to some degree.
Unlike the original BSG, the remake Vipers canopy opens similar to the Mk1 :)
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
OK, after getting my self created mess straightened out. I've now flown the MKII a few times. I like the way it feels. The Capacitors are a little weak, especially when you add guns to it. I'm happy with the flight performance.

Now waiting for the Nerf Hammer to hit it in 3.23.

I'm definitely going to have to get through the missions for the F7A token, and probably for my wife's account too.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
OK, after getting my self created mess straightened out. I've now flown the MKII a few times. I like the way it feels. The Capacitors are a little weak, especially when you add guns to it. I'm happy with the flight performance.

Now waiting for the Nerf Hammer to hit it in 3.23.

I'm definitely going to have to get through the missions for the F7A token, and probably for my wife's account too.
While the Nerf bat is always going to happen to everything CIG brings in eventually, my gut feeling is that it won't be slamming the F7C MKII until the major patch after 3.23, because they are clearly going to want it to be nice & strong going into ILW, especially with players having just received their F7A tokens, so it'll be another great draw for funding during that event. I hope that this seems more reasonable & logical than cynical.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Do we get the upgrade to the A version if you CCU to the ship?
From what I've seen, yes. Completing the event grants you the CCU upgrade token from an F7C MKII to the F7A MKII. You don't have to have an F7C MKII to receive the upgrade, though my advice, which is what I've already done, is purchase a $5 CCU from a Sabre to the F7C MKII now, which will allow you to take your time using the CCU system to gradually upgrade a vehicle until you reach the Sabre to use the last CCU's as desired. Just be warned that these tokens are limited to 1 per account, period. So if you use the F7A MKII token, then upgrade or melt that ship afterwards, it's gone forever from that account. CIG stated that not even the CIG staff can restore it at that point. So be sure you want to use it before you do. Personally, I'm planning on upgrading to an F7C MKII, then saving the token until after the NERF bats quit hitting it. That way I won't be tempted to do something stupid that would cause me to lose the chance forever, only having a future round of balancing passes make the ship great again.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
From what I've seen, yes. Completing the event grants you the CCU upgrade token from an F7C MKII to the F7A MKII. You don't have to have an F7C MKII to receive the upgrade, though my advice, which is what I've already done, is purchase a $5 CCU from a Sabre to the F7C MKII now, which will allow you to take your time using the CCU system to gradually upgrade a vehicle until you reach the Sabre to use the last CCU's as desired. Just be warned that these tokens are limited to 1 per account, period. So if you use the F7A MKII token, then upgrade or melt that ship afterwards, it's gone forever from that account. CIG stated that not even the CIG staff can restore it at that point. So be sure you want to use it before you do. Personally, I'm planning on upgrading to an F7C MKII, then saving the token until after the NERF bats quit hitting it. That way I won't be tempted to do something stupid that would cause me to lose the chance forever, only having a future round of balancing passes make the ship great again.
That is my understanding as well. You get the token for an F7A Mk2, from the F7C Mk2.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
Now I have to decide, Sabre or Hornet MkII for my Non-Hawk Carrier Fighter.

Based on the MM Q&A the Sabre should be faster and more agile, where the Hornet should be tankier with more firepower
Should be, however; all the Hornets got a boost to lateral gees everyone expects to be nerfed. (30.5 gees lateral is far too much for any ship in game. Should be 20.5. The Sabre is 21. These are cheater figures, probably designed to get players buying an old ship.). It turns like it’s on rails and the Sabre skids heavily through turns by comparison. If you swap out your Sabre for a Hornet, leave a way to swap back when they nerf the lateral acceleration. It really is OP for the Hornet to out turn less heavily armed and armored medium fighters, (and all the light fighters), and especially after taking the Sabre’s third shield, CIG is going to need a serious rebalance. The linear is too high as well, and I’m sure will be knocked back as it is about 25% higher than the 350R. Right now, the Ghost is considered the premium stealth fighter and CIG can’t leave that as is. Is just a buff that went wrong a couple patches back., though it is very hard to see this as a real “mistake”. It’s not. It’s meant to drive sales.

However since we’re on the subject, just a quick catch up on what CIG has been doing with stealth. Instead of using a 0.5 coefficient for S1 radar, 0.75 for S2, 1.0 for S3 and 1.5 for S4, CIG first knocked them all to 1.0 and is now trying different values. So currently it appears S1 is 0.7 and S2 is 0.8. That is not enough difference and really the original values worked better. This looks like more wasted time pretending they’re working than actually working. Most annoying.

The Ghost’s armor is where she gets the -40% across the board cut in signature. That improvement should be possible with almost any ship that isn’t already sporting Void Armor or its equivalent, like the Sabre and Talon. So in a nutshell, until armor releases and we have a stealth update we can trust, it is a bad idea to get locked into any one particular fighter, if you have an interest in stealth. If the Arrow had the same -40% boost to signature as the Ghost, it would be the premium stealth fighter. If the Tracker had the same boost, it would be the premium long range stealth fighter. Etc. ad nausium. We have no idea where CIG is going to put the limits. If you can put void armor on a Buckee, that is a game changer.

Likewise, they’ve said they know missiles need another balancing pass and that they need to be better, but they haven’t said if that means harder hitting or harder to evade. Missiles don’t usually get counted in comparisons but having at least a single quad shot could easily become the new meta.

So, don’t trade anything you can’t untrade.
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