Is Polaris Expected to Come during Invictus?

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I think Naff hit the key point in guessing—CIG has reassigned people to ship building so we really should see some enhancements to release of new ships. The Polaris is very likely the biggest money maker CIG will ever produce. Even presuming they issue other Corvettes in the future, many will trade into them. Right now there are thousands of players who want a Polaris and they are going to change gameplay. So CIG is well advised to get the ship out ASAP so it can be well game tested. Just figuring out how fast to make it will take some time and experience. How hard will it be to shoot down those S10 torps? It matters hugely. Will it be difficult with a turret and easy with a fighter? Best is start to test sooner rather than later.
IMHO once it's released, with the multicrew gameplay coming and being expanded upon, starting in 3.23, the desirability for the Polaris will go down. Hype is great, but once it is actually in game, warts and all, and limitations on running short handed becomes as painful as it appears CIG wants it to be, the hype train ends and people will be looking for something else.

The crew requirement is alot of people to put together for a game session, much less over several game sessions, especially for a ship that isn't supposed to truly make a profit. In most MMOs the typical group size tops out at 4. A raid group size is normally 8 to 16 and is for special jobs and takes a while to put together. The Polaris is at the high end of that 8 to 16.

All for a ship that a single Eclipse can take out in short order.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
IMHO once it's released, with the multicrew gameplay coming and being expanded upon, starting in 3.23, the desirability for the Polaris will go down. Hype is great, but once it is actually in game, warts and all, and limitations on running short handed becomes as painful as it appears CIG wants it to be, the hype train ends and people will be looking for something else.

The crew requirement is alot of people to put together for a game session, much less over several game sessions, especially for a ship that isn't supposed to truly make a profit. In most MMOs the typical group size tops out at 4. A raid group size is normally 8 to 16 and is for special jobs and takes a while to put together. The Polaris is at the high end of that 8 to 16.

All for a ship that a single Eclipse can take out in short order.
All I know is I'm counting on you drunken bastards to help me crew my Polaris as we venture forth in search or rum.
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