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  1. Ripcord33

    Its Just a Scratch

    ^ i had the link bookmarked, but never got around to posting it. Now when they decide to fix the stinkin' combine ballistic cannon's ammo so that it can actually be used. I will be really happy. EDIT: i did manage to get the ammo to show in holoplexor as mounted but the game apparently either...
  2. Ripcord33

    Drake Buccaneer

    lol flatfoot, it is a debate is it not?
  3. Ripcord33

    Get to know your TESTies.......

    Well, here goes nothin' I'm Ripcord. My real name is Cody, but if you use my real name, i still tend to respond faster to my last name (Davison). I am 25 years old, I am a former member of the US Army, I joined when i was 17, got out when i was 22. I currently drive truck civilian side, I...
  4. Ripcord33

    Drake Buccaneer

    yea, thats what im doing till they add exploration/cargo as a way to make aUEC (i dont know if they have in 2.4 im not invited to the PTU :( )
  5. Ripcord33

    Drake Buccaneer

    Its different, its not that its not effective, but against smaller fighters i have a hard time without a gunner, it just doesnt turn fast enough keep its slow firing weapons on target. Its obviously due for a repass imo, either that or strictly for use against large slow ships, as most other...
  6. Ripcord33

    Its Just a Scratch

    yea, the sabre is a glass cannon... i love it but man it breaks easy, good thing i only plan on using when doing escort stuff for the org although the warden may be better suited for that role with its multi-jump capability...
  7. Ripcord33

    Its Just a Scratch

    Thanks cosmic. So i finally managed to acquire a sabre upgrade from the grey market, i love it more than any other ship as far as fighting goes... however i seemed to have developed a bad habit of losing parts... apparently im allergic to my starboard wing.
  8. Ripcord33

    Drake Buccaneer

    I have the vanguard (bought an upgrade of the grey market), i also got a sabre upgrade off the grey market, personally ill be keeping the sabre, and turning my vanguard back into a connie, unless the buccaneer peaks my interest, then i may compare it to the sabre and decide between those two for...
  9. Ripcord33

    Its Just a Scratch

    The Background: So, i decided i wanted to try something random, and after being upset that i went and got the cutlass flashfire mount just to find out that it doesnt work right now, i found a fix that involved editing an XML file. So I decided to test how combat capable the cutlass is with one...
  10. Ripcord33

    {not Star Citizen} Rent the new Deadpool movie for free

    cough cough... piratebay... cough cough... sorry had something stuck in my throat. Edit: I payed to watch it in imax when it hit theatres, twice, so im not saying you should torrent it, im just saying if you are broke like me from buying chris roberts promises and montoya's balding sexiness...
  11. Ripcord33

    Drake Buccaneer

    I'm doing the exact same thing in my head. My aquila is my only ship right now though, and if i melted it, i could have 2 ships instead of one xD. i really wish these prices weren't so high :/
  12. Ripcord33

    D.S.E.T. - Deep Space Exploration Testies

    i have the aquila for now, but am thinking of downgrading it to a Freelancer DURp to allow me to have more than one ship xD
  13. Ripcord33

    State of the Squadron 15

    //Transmission Start Fire Mission Recieved: Attention: Grid [CONCERN] 16 Fire TESTies for effect over. //Nothing Follows
  14. Ripcord33

    Anyone want to start a mobile hospital with an Endeavor?

    I'll be more than happy to fly my Andromeda along side you as part of the escort/security fleet, unless i upgrade it to the redeemer which can do pretty much the same thing xD
  15. Ripcord33

    Time to take stock of spended bucks and owned ships

    well, so i decided today to meltdown all my stuff, and used my $305 in store credit to get the Andromeda package... hopefully ill be able to find the last $20 or so to either upgrade it to an aquila or get one other ship, havent decided for sure yet, but i went solo in an andromeda today and...
  16. Ripcord33

    Time to take stock of spended bucks and owned ships

    Well as of yesterday i traded my aurora LN for a Cutlass black, bought an Avenger, and a Freelancer DUR. those are my 3 ships.
  17. Ripcord33

    1 Week Snap Giveaway - Aurora LN

    Well, i just started, and just got here, but i plan on getting into transportation and exploration even if its just with my little aurora. As far as why i like test (even though i've only been here a few hours) of all the groups i looked at and considered, TEST seemed like the best fit for my...
  18. Ripcord33


    Pretty sure thats idaho. but you're close, i think you need more alcohol! and thanks everyone, glad to be here been fun so far and its only been a few hours
  19. Ripcord33


    Howdy, I Cody aka Ripcord, i hail from the great flat empty state of Iowa, my favorite passtime is playing video games while getting drunk and having fun. Where you from stranger? Middle of Nowhere, Iowa, United States What drew you to Star Citizen? The videos i kept seeing What do you look...
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