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  1. Fade691

    What are you listening to right now?

  2. Fade691

    What are you listening to right now?

  3. Fade691

    Security I JUST GOT A JOB AT SHUBIN!!!!!!

    I think I outed myself.. But they hired me anyway.
  4. Fade691

    Bounty Hunting Combat Flightschool

    Only certification required in test is in bottle opener operation ;)
  5. Fade691

    Bounty Hunting Combat Flightschool

    I believe that's 17:00 cst I should be able to make that, I'll see you all on discord, well hear anyway :)
  6. Fade691

    Let's Help Lando Out!

    I am 100% behind you my fellow testies in Operation Balls Deep. Test Squadron, Best Opertaion
  7. Fade691

    Bounty Hunting Combat Flightschool

    I am interested in this and will keep an eye out for next meetup. Rsi handle is Fade691
  8. Fade691

    The MISC Prospector Concept sale will go live on April 22nd, 2016 for the introductory price of $140

    I already have an Orion but I can't resist giving Chris some more money, it's an [ISSUE]. so I am planning on picking one of these up. For the lti if nothing else. I'm not terribly surprised at the price and this will be the cheapest it is ever offered at. Until game release anyway :p
  9. Fade691

    The First EVER TESTIE GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Awesome ideas @sum1, sign me up. :)
  10. Fade691

    Shameless Plug - Asking for TEST Squadron help

    Looks like this runs until May 31, that should be enough time for this sleeping giant to wake up. Test Brigade, Best Brigade!
  11. Fade691

    Shameless Plug - Asking for TEST Squadron help

    Voted, and i hope the best for your daughter in this endeavor, it was a great essay. Better imho than the leading one. :)
  12. Fade691

    Xian Scout commercial

    Wait, that wasn't our Glorious Leader? Now I'm [CONFUSED].
  13. Fade691

    Xian Scout commercial

    It seemed like it would be a blast to pilot, very agile. Not a killer but hard to kill. I was having a hard time this weekend getting more than just brief times on target in my saber against most pilots with one.
  14. Fade691


    Amazing, Our propaganda machine at its finest :)
  15. Fade691

    How old are you guys and gals?

    46 years young, and sometimes I to wish I could go back to college life, then I remember that mountain of debt and I'm perfectly happy to just keep giving my earnings to Mr. Roberts instead :D
  16. Fade691

    Atlas Defense Industries requires members to earn certifications to fly their own ships!

    True, Ive noticed just about anything touched by ADI tends to go down hill. There, now were back on topic :p
  17. Fade691

    Piracy [In-Game Occupation] Let's raise the Black Flag! (TEST Piracy)

    lmao, i tried to copy his facial expression and i think i broke something in my head o_O
  18. Fade691

    Operation Pitchfork?

    wait I thought this was the secret sign..
  19. Fade691

    Operation Pitchfork?

    All these righteous causes to support. In true test spirit I shall support them all. I, alongside with you my brothers and sisters, will strive for victory and kill us all. Crap.. I may need more computers though in the hopes of fighting myself and reclaiming the salvage. :p
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