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  1. Raven_King


    A warm welcome to Test! 🍻 Janeway though…?! Sure, why not. 🤪
  2. Raven_King

    Introductions of Biz

    Welcome to Test! 🍻
  3. Raven_King


    Welcome! 🍻
  4. Raven_King

    Drake Cutlass Steel?

  5. Raven_King

    Hello. Eh

    Nice of you to you join us. Welcome! 🍻
  6. Raven_King

    Optimised LTI CCUed shop, save up to 270$ ! [CLOSED]

    Hi Vahadar, please may I also reserve a Reclaimer LTI "warbond", at $270 plus normal fees as discussed in our PM conversation?
  7. Raven_King

    New Star Citizen Ship: Drake Cutlass Steel

    Gorgeous ship. Looks like a lot of fun if you are confident of surprising or outgunning your opposition, or the jump seats have NPCs in them. But if you are thinking of heading towards an alert opposing force, even with only crew to man the Gatling guns, never mind people in the jump seats...
  8. Raven_King

    After 6 years I'm finally there...

    Welcome to the club! We've got... silly hats.
  9. Raven_King

    Free SC flair stuff

    Fingers crossed for more than just a model of a gravlev bike as a Takuetsu hangar decoration...
  10. Raven_King

    Ares Ion is nerfed to crap in the PTU

    Congrats on your first YouTube - nice job! Such a useful post. Wish I could 'like' it more than once.
  11. Raven_King

    Who would win? Dogfights you’d like to watch

    If fully crewed I think that‘s right, but… … and both sides have the same number of crew? I must try out my loaner Hurricane (for Scorpius). It sounds good! However, the Ares is a single seater. So how about with only one player per ship, not 2vs1? According to Subliminal (00:25:23) the...
  12. Raven_King

    Who would win? Dogfights you’d like to watch

    YES! Love this idea.
  13. Raven_King

    Luminalia box collection loop at the commons - GET RICH!

    It would have been much better to gradually remove some of the spawn points and/or gradually lengthen respawn times for the boxes. It’s fine with me that they got nerfed. They did feel a bit too generous - It seemed strange playing ‘litter picking citizen’ for a while, even if the side benefit...
  14. Raven_King

    Luminalia box collection loop at the commons - GET RICH!

    Nice! But sorry to hear you got caught out like that 😟
  15. Raven_King

    Fleet Dynamics

    Not a Ballista, but still vaguely relevant to… …is this post in the concierge section on Spectrum a short while ago: It links this YT vid: View...
  16. Raven_King


    You played a some great games there. I loved Privateer. Welcome to Test!
  17. Raven_King

    Fleet Dynamics

    Not twice, anyway.
  18. Raven_King

    Shit new applicants are saying

    ...says the man who made this: View: I didn't skip to 2:40, and nor should seanOD, if he ever reads this. Brilliant. That last one sounded like a balloon animal asking a question.
  19. Raven_King


    Welcome to test oD20! Never tried absinthe (maybe a sip once?!), but I expect it's positively encouraged, especially while piloting millions of aUEC worth of soon-to-be debris through a gap slightly too small for it, ideally backwards and on fire. Again. Though if you wake up in New Babbage, get...
  20. Raven_King

    Odyssey QnA is out

    Polaris + Mantis makes sense. You're not proposing Odyssey + Mantis as a combo here, are you?! Even if it does fit... why?
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