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  1. Timarien


  2. Timarien

    HELP NEEDED for custom TEST Flight school logo

    As some of you might knwow next wednesday A couple of Test streamers including me will do a flight school event on the Twitch's. Herefor I would like a Slightly Customised Test Logo that we can put up on stream. That would be...
  3. Timarien

    Free Hornet week Flight school!

    Heey fellow drunk citizens, In the light of the recent announcement of a free to fly Hornet week it seems like a good idea to do some kinda friendly flight school activities. This way anyone can learn how to fly the Hornet and maybe make a decision if you want to get one. So if you are a new...
  4. Timarien

    Well I just hit concierge... Guess no beer for me this month xD

    After struggeling for the longest time to get a superhornet I just got it and with that broke concierge... My wallet is in ruin thankfully I still have a couple of bottles of whiskey left xD
  5. Timarien

    [WTT] Drake Herald LTI for Xi'An Scout... Make your very own pirate radio!

    Hi, Have you allways wished you could fly the verse in a really fast ship that can also double as a pirate-radio station? Now is your chance! I am looking to trade my Drake Herald, with LTI, for a Xi'An scout. Why, you ask? Because I am absolutely stunned by the design of the Karthu'Al. And the...
  6. Timarien

    Officer Record: Timarién Ainur

    Officer Record #000084993 Name: Timarién Ainur Rank: Commander Joined: 17/06/2243 Security Clearance: Classified Omega III [Redacted] Omega [Redacted]...
  7. Timarien

    Where to apply as TEST Streamer?

    Hi everyone, I have been streaming SC and other games for quite a while now and would love to get some more tracktion. Where can I apply as a TEST verified streamer? TEST SQUADRON, BEST SQUADRON!!
  8. Timarien

    Greetings my fellow cavemen!

    Where you from stranger? I am from the netherlands. To be specific the beautifull pitoresc town of Delft. What drew you to Star Citizen? To be honest, a friend of me nagging and talking about it f'ing allways... Anyways now I am glad he did xD. What do you look forward to most in Star...
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