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  1. DoubtingJoe

    Civilzation: Beyond Earth Pre Order (25% Discount till Aug 29th!!)

    Think it'll be worth it? The horrible launch and lag problems that plagued civ V are enough to make me extremely skeptical. I don't want to buy another half-finished product from a company that'll release expansions before fixing game-breaking bugs.
  2. DoubtingJoe

    Elite: Dangerous

    I thought you had to boost at full throttle through all access gates? Am I wrong?
  3. DoubtingJoe

    ROG Swift monitor

    I have a feeling this monitor will inspire some advancement in the resolution of mass-produced monitors - hopefully by the time SC comes out it'll be somewhat affordable. As Droc said, maybe even 4K, however unlikely that may be. Nobody wants to drop $3k on monitors!
  4. DoubtingJoe

    Have you all seen the United Outlaw Mothership?

    A fleet of starfarers behind the bengal loaded with beer...
  5. DoubtingJoe

    Starfarer Previous Concepts

    Ok apparently I cant post links yet... on teh- imgurz dert kerm /a/tmoOk/layout/blog
  6. DoubtingJoe

    Phoenix glamour video

    mmmmmmmmmmmmm dem lights
  7. DoubtingJoe

    Do we have a Starfarer?

    I'm really hoping that you need a starfarer or super expensive HULL C to haul fuel and that ships like the merchantman wont be able to (commodities only).
  8. DoubtingJoe

    Constellation Conversation

    Would it be that bad to strip out all the chairs and such and still have a fancy interior minus the furniture? I like the star-trek-esque look of the walls and vertical lights but unless the furniture serves a purpose: smuggling high profile diplomats (high profile people want comfort, right?)...
  9. DoubtingJoe

    The dude abides...

    I'm reporting you for stealing my name. -edit- test report please ignore -edit- test edit please ignore
  10. DoubtingJoe

    Constellation Conversation

    Pay 2 Win in a dogfight? Pay 2 Win hauling cargo? I'd say a starfarer or merchantman is a better investment for cargo hauling. The "best" constellation, when it comes down to a 1v1 dogfight with other variants is probably going to be such a small difference that the piloting and turreting skills...
  11. DoubtingJoe

    I really, really regret not buying a racer now...

    Starfarer vs. Merchantman? 1x TR6 vs 1xTR6? Hahaha space bumper cars
  12. DoubtingJoe

    Do we have a Starfarer?

    I have a starfarer, it's for sleeman honey brown and beefeater caesars only (seriously, gin casear with extreme beans and zesty pickles).
  13. DoubtingJoe

    Constellation Conversation

    I don't understand why people get so beat-up about ship specs. We don't even know what the real pros and cons are, especially without having a feel for the actual game mechanics or other ships (like the 890, or differences between fuel-carriers like the starfarer vs commodity haulers like the...
  14. DoubtingJoe

    The dude abides...

    Where you from stranger? Northern Ontario, Canadia, eh? What drew you to Star Citizen? Persistent universe, getting in/out of your ship, massively multiplayer - it's what I've always wanted. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Hard to say, the mechanics...
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