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  1. CeilingCelery

    Roll call for potential Javelin crowd funding. [Fundraising canceled]

    I'll happily give $25 as long as I get to buzz unsuspecting Auroras by flying dangerously close to them :P
  2. CeilingCelery


    I really like the design but it seems everyone either hates it or loves it. Don't think I'll buy one though as its role probably isn't something I'd be doing in the final game
  3. CeilingCelery


    I won't be able to make it for a week or two due to end of semester exams at uni but I will certainly come play after that! Is it a regular thing?
  4. CeilingCelery


    Thanks, I was wondering if you guys do organized play times for other games cause I'd be keen to join in on those if we have them
  5. CeilingCelery


    ha that's true but I'm keeping my eye out for you just in-case you follow me elsewhere :p Being remember by glorious leader? I'm feeling special today Thanks!
  6. CeilingCelery


    Glad to be here! Although I am now concerned that you are following me everywhere haha o_O
  7. CeilingCelery


    Where you from stranger? Down at the bottom of the world in Auckland, New Zealand What drew you to Star Citizen? "ooooooooohhhhh pretty space things" What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) At the moment I'm thinking exploration but I'm not really fussed and...
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