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  1. Zebulon

    Is anyone going to fly the Mustang, or will the Aurora be the -official- symbolic ship of TEST?

    Of course, by official I really meant symbolic...
  2. Zebulon

    Is anyone going to fly the Mustang, or will the Aurora be the -official- symbolic ship of TEST?

    The Mustang will be faster than the Aurora, but sacrifices durability, weapons, and cargo. It is made by an upstart company called Outland, which makes me imagine something like the hillbilly buggies I sometimes see when I visit Idaho... Depending on how it will look, I think it may be a good...
  3. Zebulon

    Shameless Artemis plug

    Ive been intrested in the game but havent gotten it because I didn't have anyone to play with. Now I think Ill get it and Id love to play with you
  4. Zebulon

    Count Zebulon M. Sinclair IX honors you with his presence!

    Where you from stranger? Washington State What drew you to Star Citizen? The scale of it, I was an original Kickstarter backer and a year latter have become reobsessed. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Crewing large ships in PvP, exploration, blaring...
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