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  1. Mikaleon

    Why Canadians may buy the Arrow.

    We almost produced a fighter Jet of our own called the Avro Arrow. View: We had a succesful prototype. But funding stopped due to politics and lack of funding. Now if you want to see the frame for the jet you need to visit the Canadian Aviation and Space museum...
  2. Mikaleon

    First landing on Hurston by Test Squadron, ends predicatively.

    View: Thanks to Testies Ethreck, Humma_Kavula and NBT for making the 3-4 hour long trip.
  3. Mikaleon

    My Aurora will blot out the sun... With you guys!

    Hello folks! This game is a dream come true to me. I have placed the 30$ Scout pledge when I was at College. Now that I finally paid all debts (Including College!), I finally have my killer rig: My X52-Pro is coming a little bit...
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