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  1. Sikkyu

    How old are you guys and gals?

    30, because life experience amiright?
  2. Sikkyu

    February Giveaway - Rise of the Tomb Raider! [DONE!]

    My idea date with Lara would be going to the shooting range with a 50 BMG with exploding targets. Then out for some burgers with some maple smoked bacon. so glorious
  3. Sikkyu

    Hi! I'm the lerker from discord from the last few days

    You got it, that's why I'm playing so much rainbow 6 siege. I wonder if there will be flashbangs in this.
  4. Sikkyu

    Hi! I'm the lerker from discord from the last few days

    haha, blew my wings off and was going 500+
  5. Sikkyu

    Hi! I'm the lerker from discord from the last few days

    Hello! irl info : 30 from Vancouver Canada ( -8 gmt PST) Been lerking on discord for the last few days, had a ton of fun racing together and doing pvp stuff. Got a 2:34 and was ranked 11th as of 1/18/16 in the last race. I own a 325a outright waiting for what happens with the update and...
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