Search results

  1. Aunfox

    Marking time - Where have we been, Where are we going?

    It's officially been 5 years since I joined Test Squadron. I was a little grizzled when I joined and now I'm totally in a different place in life. I still love me some Star Citizen. I started following Star Citizen when it was a concept and signed up for the dream in 2014. Somehow between...
  2. Aunfox

    Consider Updating Account details Ship List

    Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to update the ship list in the Account Details section. There are quite a few new additions that are not available. Examples include the Anvil Arrow or Mercury Star runner. Wasn't sure if this was still a relevant part of the site, but one day I...
  3. Aunfox

    New Recruit to Test Squadron

    Where you from stranger? Atlanta, Ga What drew you to Star Citizen? Wing Commander CIC , Intial Kickstarter campaign. What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Exploration and the persistent universe. What was the first game you remember playing? Space...
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