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  1. Floating Cloud

    2019 Citcon Wave 1 FAQ

    Ouch. I hadn't realised how expensive the tickets were. This was the moment that I realised that I am a weak-sauce SC fan and backed slowly away from the keyboard. Have fun everyone who attents, I'll be with you in spirit. Edit note: BTW tip for those interested in grabbing a ticket from the...
  2. Floating Cloud

    TEST Book Club - June Nominations

    Some great books in the list. I loved Red Rising, definitely the best in the series. The final Empire is another corker. Funilly enough I was actually reading We are Legion when I replied to last months thread, so have just finished that and am reading (and enjoying) the May selection. Thank...
  3. Floating Cloud

    TEST Book Club - June Nominations

    I've picked up May's selection and it's next on my reading list. Looking forward to that. For June I propose the sci-fi book Columbus Day (Expeditionary Force Book 1) by Craig Alanson. Currently on sale on Amazon for 99 pence for the Kindle version (UK. I assume U.S./other will be equivalent)...
  4. Floating Cloud

    Citizencon 2949 Manchester (UK)

    General advice: Be sure to arrange beforehand to tie up with people. Cons are more fun in company. Test Squadron T-Shirts are available for easy identification :) Book hotel early. Be sure to check out the local attractions (are there any Manchester natives who can guide us?) Links: Test...
  5. Floating Cloud

    Citizencon 2949 Manchester (UK)

    Count me in. I work in Manchester, and it's just an hours drive away for me. Looking forward to seeing some Test faces (Britizencon was a little lonely this year 😢) Woot.
  6. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon - April 27th 2019

    1st CIG panel: Derek Senior, Brian Chambers, Tim Welch and David Gill
  7. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon - April 27th 2019

    Sorry to hear that, Butuz. So the event is running just a little late, and we're waiting for the opening speech before the first dev panel (Challenges and Hurdles. This is probably the panel I have most been looking forward to). Looks to be the best turnout yet.
  8. Floating Cloud

    F*** Apex Legends got me.... intrigued

    If nothing else, that's an excellent trailer. Yes I will be giving it a go. View:
  9. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon - April 27th 2019

    Update: the venue and date have just been announced 27th April, Manchester Museum of Science and Industry. That's a cool spot (my employer had the staff Christmas party there a couple if years ago). View:
  10. Floating Cloud

    Okay so three of these, and three cards to drive them is. . .

    Damn. This advances my plan to win the lottery and build myself the ultimate space-themed man cave. One of these on each wall, with some suitable decor and I'll be living above planet earth. ...well either that or have life-sized images of Montoya up there. Tough call.
  11. Floating Cloud

    Perma Death

    I have wondered how they will deal with changing identities. I have to assume that there will be a consistent character identifier (name) that will persist through all deaths. It in some way diminishes the point of character death, but how else will people keep track of friends?
  12. Floating Cloud

    BritizenCon - April 27th 2019

    The BritizenCon web site ( has been updated, confirming that we'll be having the fourth annual event in April of this year. No details beyond that currently, other than it will be held at a different venue this year. My assumption is that we're still looking at...
  13. Floating Cloud

    TEST Book Club - 2019 January Selection

    I haven't read the book, but I remember watching the TV series (which apparently kept very true to the original story). It was weird and challenging, and as I recall, there were no happy endings. I'm tempted to buy the DVD (not available on digital as far as I can see) to revisit that, but I...
  14. Floating Cloud

    Other Help me find a name for TEST Medics

    Emergency Beer Delivery Team.
  15. Floating Cloud

    Raven codes hit rock bottom

    Just picked mine up from a UK ebayer. He had 5 that all went within an hour. About $68 for a Sabre Raven AND SC package? I couldn't say no. /happydance
  16. Floating Cloud

    Citizen Bowie - Space Oddity (FOIP)

    Brilliant. If RSI licenced the song and did their own version of that as a promotional video, it would be a huge hit.
  17. Floating Cloud

    Ship prices in UEC

    We were in the right ballpark when we did the theorycrafting a couple of years ago: Prices quoted in the Citizencon stream (prices aren't set in stone yet, and there will be...
  18. Floating Cloud

    The new subscriber ship: Reclaimer?

    I took my loaner for a spin last night (after eventually finding the flight deck). What a monster! Incidentally, are there not meant to be some spiked rolling pins of spinning (salvage) doom in there somewhere? I'd planned on some idle amusement, but ended up having to dump my empty beer cans...
  19. Floating Cloud

    Our very own Printimus did a thing today!

    Huge congratulations. :)
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