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  1. Ripcord33

    Distracted Driving?

    So, lets start this off with a little video: So now the discussion. First off, This happened in Chicago area on I90 WB, not long after getting off of I294. Besides the obvious me yelling oh shit when it happened. Here's my take on this. Red Vehicle = Car 1 Silver SUV = Car 2 Travelling...
  2. Ripcord33

    Sturgis Rally 2017

    Just curious as to if any of the US based testies will be attending sturgis this year, as i am planning to go and make a trip of it hitting up the SD Air & Space Museum as well as the Minuteman II silo and launch station, along with Mt Rushmore.
  3. Ripcord33

    New Test Member (Well Soon [TM])

    Well, as some of you may have noticed i've not really been around lately, this is due to my fiance having been pregnant, but im very proud to say that i now have a very beautiful baby girl, she was born Today (4/6/17) at 5:48pm. She decided she was tired of waiting and came out a little early...
  4. Ripcord33

    Thrustmaster and Elite Dangerous Team Up

    Original Article here:
  5. Ripcord33

    Theory Crafting for an Application

    Alright, so Im throwing this up because that darn @Blind Owl brought up an something, and it gave me an idea of something for people that may want a printable Control Map for their stick/throttle, but either are too lazy, or dont own, or dont have the skills, or being TESTies, too drunk. I've...
  6. Ripcord33

    My new favorite space suit

    so, while playing i went to port olisar to by a new suit, and ran into a bug. after trying to fix said bug, i made another bug occur when i logged back in, these are the results and they have made me somewhat happy. #1: The Space Biker The TESTIE PIRATE:
  7. Ripcord33

    Space Engineers Boredom - Because Why Not

    This is a ship I have been working on for quite a while now in Space Engineers. Haven't Measured the length yet, but in its current unfinished state it weighs in at almost 60,000,000Kg (yes 60 Million Kilograms). Has 4 Tri-Barrel Cannons, plus a 16-Barrel "HALO" Like MAC Cannon, and...
  8. Ripcord33

    Its Just a Scratch

    The Background: So, i decided i wanted to try something random, and after being upset that i went and got the cutlass flashfire mount just to find out that it doesnt work right now, i found a fix that involved editing an XML file. So I decided to test how combat capable the cutlass is with one...
  9. Ripcord33


    Howdy, I Cody aka Ripcord, i hail from the great flat empty state of Iowa, my favorite passtime is playing video games while getting drunk and having fun. Where you from stranger? Middle of Nowhere, Iowa, United States What drew you to Star Citizen? The videos i kept seeing What do you look...
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