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  1. Nicotine


    Thanks wmk. I just went to check the CIG web site and found it. Not been there since March. Heres the link for anyone intrested who like me has not been keeping up with citizen con this year. Twitch Channel. Star Citizen - Twitch CIG pack info. CitizenCon 2952 Digital Goodies Pack -...
  2. Nicotine


    I checked the store a few mins ago and could not see anything but i am not currently a subscriber so cant see the subs/extra menu. Anyone got any info on if we are getting a free or paid for digital goodies pack this year?
  3. Nicotine

    The "Im not spending any more money!" thread

    I am not spending any more money on this game until i pay my mortgage and car/student loans, credit card off. 48 Years later and for the first time in my life I am debit free. Hello shiny Star Citizen JPEG's. Just need to get my hands on a 4090 to help run my 890J and world peace is assured.
  4. Nicotine

    Ship naming - "my name is..."

    I managed to get "Star Destroyer" for my 890 Jump. Just need a grey paint skin now.
  5. Nicotine

    Docshaftoe is an ace pilot

    I rember a bobbyshafttoe from planetside 1. He could do stuff ingame that no one else could do with aircraft so the name checks out. On a side note finally bagged the Idris P on the first wave. So now i have every capital ship in the game if we dont include the idris M :P
  6. Nicotine

    Citizencon 2949 Info Megathread - Best in Show Dec 2-5

    From what I can work out you get zero insurance on a upgrade unless it says IAE on it so that was a waste of time.
  7. Nicotine

    Citizencon 2949 Info Megathread - Best in Show Dec 2-5

    The CIG note that was posted saying that if you upgraded a ship it would now keep its longest insurance did not work for me. I have a AMD Mustang starter package or 2. I turned one of them into a Mustang Delta years ago. So I thought for $10 more I might as well turn it into a 10 year insured...
  8. Nicotine

    I just bought that new helmet, a bit pricey...

    You do know you can buy over 30 of these bad boys for the price of that one. "Said the man wearing Gold". View:
  9. Nicotine

    [VIDEO] Go West!

  10. Nicotine

    [VIDEO] Go West!

    Spotted you doing your weekend job on Sat afternoon. View:
  11. Nicotine

    Zaxxon checking in.

    Zaxxon was one of my all time favourite games on the Atari 400 / 800. Great game great name, Welcome have a beer and a walk around.
  12. Nicotine

    I dun goofed

    Your lucky I have 20 Grand burning a hole in my pocket. You dont know how hard it is not to gammble it away on poker. God knows if i can with stand a capital ship sale. On past experience I would say no chance.
  13. Nicotine

    What is your school of thought on ship purchases?

    I think the general consensors is that you buy only large ships then sell one or two on day one to fund your game play. So if I own 3 Carracks and sell 1 straight away in game then i can afford to buy any number of small ground vehicals or fighters or cargo to make credits from filling my Hull E...
  14. Nicotine

    What is your school of thought on ship purchases?

    Well a few friends of mine think that I am crazy to hold on to any small ships or land vehicals and should obviously consolidate them into large ships that give the most value in UEC. Only problem is that I own nearly all of the large ships already. Only ship of size that I dont own is the...
  15. Nicotine

    Forbes fact checking - Yes, court docs are public

    Think Forbes have other computer related issues to worry about right now! Breaking news: Bank-card-slurping malware sneaks into Forbes' mag subscription website Dead-tree devotees who recently signed up may want to check their statements...
  16. Nicotine

    Fleet Repository

    My hand full of JPG'S
  17. Nicotine

    Ship sale - Mercury Star Runner (Aug 23)

    I think they moved the coordinates I cant find it either.
  18. Nicotine

    To buy or not to buy a Javelin?

    I am trying to understand what is going on here. Are you telling us that you bought the old completionist pack but never exercised the right to then buy a Javlin? Now they removed the Javlin token from the new pack so have a limited number of Javelins still available for old pack owners. If...
  19. Nicotine

    High functioning Alcoholic. I have the medical bills to prove it if your interested :P

    High functioning Alcoholic. I have the medical bills to prove it if your interested :P
  20. Nicotine

    Anniversary Sale Mega Thread - Its Done - Hammer & Hawk Available until Dec 11th

    Finally managed to off load two of my Banu Mechantman into a Reclaimer and a Hammerhead. Hammerhead is now my favorite ship in the Star Citizen universe, sorry reclaimer I still like you honest.
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